Latest Enap Report: Fuel Prices Rise Again, Impacting Drivers’ Wallets

2024-02-28 20:33:39

By second consecutive close of the year, fuel prices (gasoline and diesel) will rise sharply, representing a hard blow to drivers’ pockets and especially given the proximity to the mass return from vacations and the return to school.

According to the latest Enap Import Parity Price Calculation Report, gasoline from 93 and 97 octane will rise 30.3 pesos per liter ($/lt).

He diesel will increase in the order of 16,1 $/ltwhile Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) for vehicular use will not experience any variation.

Fuel prices rise once more

Previously, and more specifically on February 7, Enap reported that gasoline prices were going to rise by regarding $28/lt, while diesel also increased by the same amount as now by $16.1/lt.

After this new announcement, fuel prices will remain the same (with this Thursday’s changes) until March 20date where they will be reported new variations.

The outlook for fuel prices for the next three weeks is as follows:

93 and 97 octane gasoline: +30,3$/lt
Diesel: +16,1 $/lt
LPG for vehicular use: 0

This calculation was carried out considering the Import Parity Price rule, the Fuel Price Stabilization Mechanism (MEPCO), the Oil Price Stabilization Fund (FEPP) and the mechanisms established by the authority.

As on previous occasions, the Enap comment what “does not regulate or set prices of fuels in the Chilean market. Its role is solely as a wholesale marketer of the different hydrocarbon derivatives to the distribution companies, which directly serve consumers and set sales prices.”

#Fuels #rise #sharply #Thursday



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