Magali Wora implores the magnanimity of Oligui Nguema to collect his unpaid sequestered salaries –

In an open letter addressed to the President of the Transition, General Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema, the former Director General of Arts and Cultural Industries, Magali Palmira Wora who was copiously humiliated before her dismissal, implores the magnanimity of the President of the Transition Republic, to take this matter in hand so that she receives her salary arrears which seem to have been refused to her for unknown reasons:

Mister President,

It is with humility that I address this open letter to you.

Following my appointment to the position of Director General of Arts and Cultural Industries, I would like to express my sincere thanks for the trust you have placed in me.

This appointment allowed me to understand the deep difficulties of the Gabonese administration. I dare to hope that you will have the opportunity to gradually overcome this, even if the bad habits persist.

Indeed, I have the honor to bring to Your Very High Attention the few elements relating to the difficulties I faced as General Director:

⁃ From my appointment to the end of my tenure, I received no salary. Since I am not a civil servant, I had to sign an employment contract with non-category status. On several occasions, I reported this lack of salary and employment contract to my general secretariat, to the former chief of staff of the responsible Minister and to my minister, to your special advisor in charge of culture. I even requested an audience with your private office and the presidential secretariat. No concrete action was given to me.

So I was a General Manager without salary and without contract for 5 months.

⁃ Hoping to have a favorable response quickly and above all wanting to move the work forward, I invested my own funds in the operation of this general management of more than 90 agents. I had to regularly buy office supplies, including reams of paper, a printer, furniture, inks, cleaning products and so many other things to ensure the smooth running of management. Each time I reported these needs to the ministry secretariat, I was told that there was no budget and that we had to make the sacrifice while waiting for the 2024 budget. I therefore did this. sacrifice, for my country, in addition to my other personal responsibilities. I found myself gradually asphyxiated financially by the management costs of the General Directorate without any help from either the supervisory ministry or the Presidency of the Republic.

⁃ Two weeks before December 31, 2023, I was summoned by my superiors to organize the concert. I reminded my superiors that we needed to call on an events agency to whom we would give specifications. And to stay within the guidelines of my proposal I established specifications and contacted an agency in order to make us proposals for artists and artistic salaries. From the moment I started working on the file according to the rules of the entertainment entrepreneurship profession, several of the minister’s colleagues clearly wanted to regain control of the file.

After many disagreements over the management of the file, I decided to withdraw from the management of this file on December 29, 2023 and I left the entire management to the minister’s office. Indeed, a title does not take away my ethics. The hierarchy still “required” me to sign the contracts with the artists. And I politely refused and explained that I might not sign contracts the essence of which I did not know, I did not want my name to appear on them and that in this period of military transition I did not want to be summoned to the B2 for any reason and especially not for financial reasons.

Behind closed doors, my supervisory authority made me understand that it would be in my interest to cooperate and that if I did not do so he would report it to the President and consequences would follow. I stood by my position and drew up a report which I submitted to your special advisor in charge of culture and to your private office.

⁃ Since that day, I have been the victim of a cabal on my person.

My invitation to the vows ceremony was concealed from me, I was summoned to the General Inspection of Services for these facts, rumors of suspension from my post circulated in the ministry and in the media, the files that I sent to the supervisory authority came back to me without signature or endless corrections, the files to be processed were transferred to my assistant with instructions not to inform me, I was no longer included in the working hearings of my authority guardianship…and so on. So I lived through all this in silence, continuing to rotate my general management and reporting back to the appropriate person, once once more for my country.

– Your very High Authority must also be informed that as Director General of Arts and Cultural Industries, despite my requests, I was not involved in the revision work on the draft order modifying and supplementing certain provisions of the law relating to the status of artists and cultural actors in the Gabonese Republic. Once once more, a text will risk being voted on without the involvement of artists and cultural actors who have not had the opportunity to go through and appreciate the said modifications. I defended artists, I defend artists, and I will continue to defend the revaluation of the artist and the cultural actor. Arts and culture are in me.

I consider it an honor to have been able to serve my country under your administration, during this pivotal period of transition where God gives us the opportunity to do better than our predecessors. It was a challenge to manage 5 departments lacking IT equipment, rolling stock and even basic office supplies. But it was a learning challenge.

I am sorry to have to resort to my network to address you, Mr. President of the Transition, but all the legal channels that I have taken to address you since my appointment have resulted in nothing or remained without action in the offices. Aware of the many projects and concerns that are yours, I remain entirely sensitive to the interest that you will take in the facts that I present to you.

I humbly request your intervention for the settlement of my 5 months of unpaid salaries as General Director of Arts and Cultural Industries.

For my part and whatever happens, I remain willing to serve wherever the need arises.

Deep respect and complete dedication.

2024-02-28 15:38:08
#Magali #Wora #implores #magnanimity #Oligui #Nguema #collect #unpaid #sequestered #salaries



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