2024-02-28 04:30:00
Because of this, viewers refuse to watch them.
Modern domestic cinema has been distinguished not only by full-length works. Every year, many TV series are released that attract millions of TV viewers. However, some Russians are skeptical regarding such projects. They believe that most TV series have the same type of clichés that only irritate them when watching.
The author of the Zen channel “KINO TALK” shared his observations. For example, at the beginning of the film, a gullible girl leaves her village, where there are only wooden houses and no modern mansions in sight. At the station, her suitcase with all her belongings and money is traditionally stolen.
To earn money, the heroine has to get a job as a cleaner or cook in an elite cottage. And there the girl inevitably finds her destiny. An impressive young man leaves his fiancée or even his wife for her, who is shown as a typical hysterical woman. In some cases, he is not even stopped by the presence of a child with his new passion.
In addition, any conversation conducted in a whisper in such series is bound to be overheard by someone. And the doors in the rooms open exactly at the moment of the most piquant conversations or processes.
#Russian #series #annoying #clichés