The Shift in Media Coverage: Russia-Ukraine Conflict Takes Center Stage While Gaza Conflict Fades in the Background

2024-02-27 21:00:00

U.S. has no choice but to fight mass murder in Gaza, Russia has the upper hand, increasing possibility of ceasefire

2024.2.28 (Water) WC



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President Putin being interviewed by Tucker Carlson (February 6, Photo: Reuters/Afro)

Two years have passed since Russia began special military operations in Ukraine.

Two whole years… Although there are no turning points in conflicts where lives are being lost every day, the media has no choice but to create special features to match.

For the first time in a while, the amount of coverage related to Russia and Ukraine exceeds that related to the Middle East.

The Ukraine war changed the coverage completely.

If you take a look at the flow of the news, it seems that things have changed from a year ago, when Ukraine was in high spirits, and it seems that all the unfavorable situations and material for the country, which began to surface last fall, are being broadcast all at once.

The war situation reached a stalemate due to the failure of Ukraine’s reverse offensive.

Following this month’s loss of Fortress Audivka (Avdevka) in Donetsk Oblast and the start of the Russian military offensive, the Ukrainian army is now forced to change its offensive and defensive positions and engage in a defensive battle.

We don’t have enough weapons, we don’t have enough soldiers.

This war situation also cast a shadow over Ukraine, and the commander-in-chief of the military, V. Zarouzhny, who was popular with the people, was dismissed, and as a result of this, the approval rating of President V. Zelenskyy began to decline.

Under martial law, both parliamentary and presidential elections have been postponed, while draft evasion and people fleeing the country are occurring frequently. Isn’t the morale of the people and soldiers supposed to be much higher than in Russia?

There is still no prospect of passing an aid budget for Ukraine in the U.S. Congress, and the United Nations General Assembly was unable to even submit a resolution condemning Russia.

According to reports, this appears to be because the United States’ “double standards” related to the two conflicts between Russia and Ukraine and Israel and Hamas have been exposed to criticism from countries in the Global South, and they feared that the number of votes critical of Russia would decrease as a result. .

In addition to this situation, the already heated criticism of the US presidential election in November is creating an atmosphere that is completely unwelcome to Ukraine.

Incumbent President J. Biden, who plays the role of protector of Ukraine and should be the favorite in the election, has frequently revealed problems with his memory and physical strength.

This is so noticeable that nearly 70% of American public opinion polls say that he is too old to continue in the role.

D. Aiming for a comeback Judging by former President Trump’s past statements and lobbying of the Republican Party, most do not expect that US aid to Ukraine will continue or expand when he takes office.

Mr. Trump, who stormed through the Republican primary elections, is contrasted with President Biden, whose approval ratings are declining as he ages, and the media arbitrarily turns “if it’s a tiger” into “almost a tiger.”

Mr. Trump has been involved in many court cases and his shins are severely injured, so it cannot be said that he is completely safe or secure. And the actual election, which is nothing more than water, is still more than eight months away.

#Putin #thinking #advantage #war #situation #afford #provoke #Biden.The #helpless #mass #murder #Gaza #Russia #upper #hand #increasing #possibility #ceasefire #JBpress



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