F-16 Viper was flown by Nikos Dendias from 115AM [βίντεο] 2024-02-25 22:37:13

Shortly following 10:15 the Minister of Defense following completing the briefing, boarded an F 16 Viper aircraft of the Air Force 340 Squadron 115 AM and participated in a flight over the Aegean sea in a formation of Viper aircraft with the participation of the Chief of the General Air Staff and of the Chief of GEETHA.

In total the 115th Fighter Wing has 23 F16 viper aircraft, of which 10 belong to 340 Squadron and 13 belong to 343 Squadron. A total of 84 aircraft will be upgraded to the Viper configuration by 2027. The Viper configuration provides new and enhanced security, networking and sensor capabilities that will enable the Air Force to successfully address emerging threats in the region and support allied missions worldwide.

The flight had a duration of 1 hour and 15 minutes, and immediately followingwards there was a press briefing. Earlier, the Minister was at the facilities of the 115th Fighter Wing and was informed by the Commander of the 340th Squadron of the 115th AF Iosif Daskalomarkakis.

The Minister is accompanied by Deputy Minister Yiannis Kefalogiannis and Chania MPs Sevi Voloudakis and Alexandros Markogiannakis.






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#F16 #Viper #flown #Nikos #Dendias #115AM #βίντεο



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