Extraordinary Easter gift: Who will be the beneficiaries? 2024-02-25 22:33:46

It may be that the government officials keep their papers closed when asked regarding the extraordinary Easter allowance, but everything indicates that it will eventually be given under conditions.

According to MEGA, the decision to grant will be made in April and beneficiaries will receive it before Easter.

1st. 1,055,000 Low pensioners
* Emergency aid: €150 – €200

* Requirement: Main pension up to €700

2nd 800,000 Families with children

* Emergency aid: One and a half monthly installment

* Prerequisite: Approved application A21






The platform for pensioners’ work opens tomorrow

3rd. 210,000 vulnerable households

* Beneficiaries: Min. Guaranteed Income

* Emergency aid: 50% of monthly allowance

4th 225,000 People with disabilities

* Beneficiaries: Welfare OPEKA

* Emergency aid: €150 – €200

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#Extraordinary #Easter #gift #beneficiaries



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