The Drama Unfolds: Christian Domínguez and Jean Paul Santa María in the Spotlight

The Drama Unfolds: Christian Domínguez and Jean Paul Santa María in the Spotlight

2024-02-25 13:24:00

Christian Domínguez was asked if he regrets having summoned Jean Paul Santa María to La Gran Orquesta, due to the abrupt departure of Angie Jibaja’s ex, just days following the ‘frog car’ scandal broke out with the blonde known as ‘good time’.

Christian Domínguez talks regarding Jean Paul

During the interview he gave at the Reventonazo, La Chola Chabuca asked him if he regretted having brought Santa María into his group. This was his response.

“I don’t regret having called anyone to The Great Orchestra. Because when they enter, they enter with a projection that I feel I cannot polish or help people with how much or little I know,” Domínguez responded.

Jean Paul Santa María: His resignation from ‘The Great Orchestra’

Jean Paul Santa María used his social networks to send an extensive message announcing his resignation from ‘La Gran Orquesta’ and disassociating himself from the comments of Alexa Samamé, the Chiclayana woman who had an affair with Christian Domínguez.

“I wish with all my heart that this whole situation can improve for all affected parties and my irreversible decision at this moment is to retire from the Orchestra following fulfilling my last contract that will take place this Saturday in Arequipa,” was part of the message. that Jean Paul Santa María wrote on that occasion.

And so Jean Paul Santa María left the Great Orchestra of Christian Domínguez.


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