In Elefsina the first two Romeo MH 60 helicopters [βίντεο] 2024-02-25 13:22:20

In particular, they have arrived at the Elefsina airport with an American transport aircraft, probably of the C-17 type, from the United States. The first two helicopters of 68 Navy they are the first two of a total of seven that Greece has purchased, which feature electronic warfare sensors, powerful radar, anti-ship torpedoes, surface-to-surface missiles and powerful machine guns.

The Navy and Armed Forces reinforcement program continues apace.

The first two Romeo MH 60s – PN 75 and PN 77 – have already been painted in the colors of the Navy and have already been tested at the facilities of the manufacturing company Sikorksy in the USA.

The number of seven helicopters may not be considered particularly large given the needs of the Navy, but the very high operational capabilities of the Romeo MH 60 combined with the extremely reliable S-70 and the three new Belharra digital frigates turn the Fleet into most powerful anti-submarine force in the eastern Mediterranean.

At the same time, they give a clear qualitative advantage over the Turkish Navy, which has no Romeo helicopters but only S-70s, while its fleet’s Surface Units will be clearly inferior in anti-submarine capabilities when the Navy receives the powerful FDIs, as the French frigates have state-of-the-art Sonar duals. Both the CAPTAS-4 Variable Depth Sonar, which is considered the world’s leading, and the complementary Kingklip Troll Sonar.

The inclusion of the new “214” submarines in the Turkish fleet creates a new situation on the bottom of the Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean and makes the need to strengthen the Greek anti-submarine arsenal imperative. Thus, the acquisition of the seven Romeo helicopters almost at the same time as the three Belharra frigates comes, not only to balance the balance of anti-submarine power, but also to give the Greek Navy a clear qualitative advantage.

In the difficult environment of the Aegean, given that the islands of the Archipelago belong to Greece, the Navy also has the geographical advantage of covering both Surface Units and submarines. A fact that proved decisive in the crisis of 2020.

Although the Fleet had only S-70 anti-submarine helicopters but also the older AB-212s, it managed to detect all Turkish submarines even when they tried to surprise by moving in areas close to mainland Greece, such as in the Kafirea Straits or other critical “passages” ».

With the combination of the Sonar that the Belharra frigates have in simultaneous research with the Romeos, but also the S-70s and given the excellent knowledge of the Archipelago, the anti-submarine warfare is expected to turn into a “nightmare” for the neighbors, who will take time to familiarize themselves with the secrets of “214”.

At the time, the Navy has been training with the corresponding “PAPANICOLIS” class submarines for fifteen years, knowing very well the way they operate and also their least vulnerable points.

Thus, it will consistently be at least one step ahead of the Turkish Navy in anti-submarine warfare, which is considered extremely critical for maritime sovereignty in the event of a conflict.

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#Elefsina #Romeo #helicopters #βίντεο



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