MaPrimeRénov 2024: Navigating Energy Renovation Challenges in France

2024-02-25 09:30:47

Towards energy renovation under pressure

Energy renovation in France promises to be under new auspices in 2024. The announcement of a significant increase in aid from MaPrimeRénov had aroused keen interest, underlining the government’s ambition to accelerate the energy transition of housing. The increase in the coverage rate for the most ambitious works to 80% for low-income households, and even to 90% for thermal sieve renovations, marked a strong desire to make energy renovation accessible to as many people as possible. In addition, the increase of 1,000 euros in aid for the acquisition of a heat pump, bringing the aid to 5,000 euros for the most modest households, demonstrated renewed generosity..

However, this dynamic has collided with a darker budgetary reality. The budget allocated to MaPrimeRénov will ultimately be reduced from 4 to 3 billion euros in 2024, as announced by the Minister of the Economy and Finance. This reduction, which takes place in a context of overall budgetary rigor, highlights the challenges of financing an ambitious energy renovation policy in the face of current economic constraints.

Simplified measures, but effectiveness to prove for MaPrimeRénov

To strengthen the attractiveness of the system, the government has focused on simplification. Middle and well-off households will no longer be forced to use a Rénov’ Accompanier for the most ambitious work, a measure intended to stimulate demand. This simplification, coupled with the increase in aid, might theoretically increase the number of grant requests in 2024. The Ministry of Ecological Transition is optimistic, promising that all French people wishing to carry out an energy renovation will have the necessary aid.

However, the year 2023 has shown that the allocation of MaPrimeRénov funds does not guarantee their full use. With 300 million euros of unused credits in 2023, the question of the adequacy between the supply of aid and the real capacity of the market to absorb this demand arises insistently.. The lack of qualified professionals to carry out the work remains a significant obstacle, exacerbated by already saturated order books.

Sluggish demand, cautious optimism

Government optimism is also based on an anticipation of a drop in demand, partly thanks to a review of the energy performance diagnosis. This review should reduce the number of homes classified as thermal sieves, thereby reducing immediate pressure on renovation needs.. This strategy aims to alleviate fears of excess demand in the face of a reduced budget, hoping that the efficiency of the measures taken will compensate for the drop in financial resources.

Between the government’s high ambitions and the necessary budgetary adjustments, MaPrimeRénov 2024 presents itself as a system full of promise, but whose real impact remains to be evaluated. Recent adjustments highlight the complexity of reconciling ecological objectives and economic constraints, in a context where the energy transition is more than ever a national priority.

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