European Football Championships and the Olympics bring additional sales to the food trade

2024-02-25 06:09:00

There are two major sporting events coming up this year. The men’s European Football Championship starts in Germany on June 14th. The Summer Olympics will take place in Paris from July 26th. The food trade then records additional sales with beer, drinks and snacks. The European Football Championship has a much greater impact than the Olympic Games – but according to company representatives, the weather itself plays a larger role than the events.

The Summer Olympics are of particular importance worldwide, but the European Football Championship attracts greater audience interest here. Both brewery and supermarket representatives told the APA in a broadcast that the European Football Championship in this country – at least for their business – was significantly more important than the games. In addition to skiing, football is also a national sport in Austria. Athletics and other summer Olympic sports, on the other hand, often lead a shadowy existence in this country.

With the expected additional sales, especially from the European Football Championship, how long the local national team stays in the tournament also plays a role. Despite important injured players, Austria also has a very good chance of not being among the first teams to go home – especially in comparison to their often rather difficult footballing past. And the longer Austria is there and euphoric fans arrange to watch together and go shopping, the higher the increase in sales can be.

“We cannot therefore make any serious forecasts,” said a Spar spokeswoman when asked regarding the expected increase in sales. A spokesman for Rewe (Billa, Penny) stated: “Major sporting events per se do not lead to significant additional sales in retail.”

The manufacturers also do their own campaigns, the Spar spokeswoman reminded. According to the brewery association, this can also be expected from local breweries. “For most breweries, two or three weeks of unexpectedly nice weather are just as valuable as a European Football Championship,” said brewery association managing director Florian Berger. The Rewe spokesman also said that in the beverage product group, the weather plays a larger role than sporting events, for which passive athletes stock up on barley juice and the like.

In the catering industry, public viewing events can generate additional sales. “It is certain that the breweries and their sales partners will take advantage of the opportunity,” said Berger. However, he pointed to the importance of retail campaigns as the “biggest sales lever” for breweries before restaurants.

Retail campaigns are certain: “In any case, as always in such cases, we will accompany the EM with many promotions of popular products,” said the Spar spokeswoman. “The events are usually accompanied by advertising in the food trade,” said the Rewe spokesman. “Of course, due to the respective event, there are increased promotions in different product groups during this period, which lead to an increase in sales. So one causes the other.”

The Hofer discounter accompanies major sporting events in both food and non-food sectors, as was stated upon request. An example was the Superbowl, which is also becoming increasingly popular in this country and was used as a sales generator with matching US products from Hofer – and other stores too. In relation to barbecues, for example during the European Football Championship, vegetarian and vegan options are becoming more important. Around the sporting events, the discounter also sells drinks coolers or televisions alongside the drinks. For active sports fans, there is suitable sports equipment and equipment similar to the sporting events.

#European #Football #Championships #Olympics #bring #additional #sales #food #trade



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