Amanuensis and accomplices act as partners for the current process

2024-02-25 06:28:09

Rosa María Artal has a degree in Information Sciences from the Complutense University of Madrid and studies in Sociology and Political Sciences. She is not a usual reference when it comes to addressing issues related to journalism. However, it is worth going through some of his statements, comments, analyzes and quotes to try to better understand what is happening in Argentina with an increasingly broad sector of the media in its relationship with the current government and its policies. .

Artal wrote on his site El an interesting picture of what part of the press transmitted regarding the crisis that Greece experienced, when the European Community turned its back on its economic collapse in 2010. In his article, which he titled “ Journalism: complicit in power or at the service of society”, Artal cites a note by his colleague Maruja Torres, winner of the Planeta and Nadal awards, author of several books and war correspondent in Lebanon, Panama and Israel. Torres shares words from the British Owen Jones, who at the beginning of his second book, The Naked Caste, “tells why the success of Thatcherism occurred, how conservative forces worked to recover a power that they believed they had lost following a post-war period in which the rights of classes considered inferior were opened. The idea that the conservative revolution was inevitable, and that it was also inevitable to put unions and workers in their place to ensure the well-being of the country, was penetrating the social fabric thanks to the work of numerous right-wing think tanks and a lot of money. that was invested in placing ruthless and ambitious young people in key positions in the mass manipulation organizations. It was a slow but brutally effective operation that led to market deregulation and corruption. I suggest to PERFIL readers that they do not let some of Jones’ statements pass without comparative analysis, particularly when he refers to the emergence of right-wing think tanks and a lot of money invested to install “ruthless and ambitious young people” in key positions. of mass manipulation organizations.

The economist Juan Torres López joined the debate with definitions that seem copied from current Argentine news: the journalistic amanuenses promote and reproduce ad nauseam “sensible proposals always loaded with a logic, which at first glance sounds indisputable: we must moderate the wages and eliminate labor rights – although they call this making it more flexible – in order for jobs to be created, we must reduce State spending on public services or pensions because they represent a burden that we cannot afford, taxes are unnecessary and it is It is better to lower them, we must privatize public companies and services because the private ones work better and all of this is even more essential now because we have to reduce the debt above all else.”

I reiterate, in case it was not clear: this was said and written almost fifteen years ago, referring to a situation of extreme crisis in a Western European country, with government systems similar to the one occupied by the Casa Rosada today. I quote a last paragraph of this work that is as revealing as it is disturbing: “You see covers, editorials, headlines that make you blush. Real atrocities planted to do devastating damage are heard and seen.”

In short: either be accomplices under the guise of journalists or do journalism; That is, to reveal what power tries to keep hidden.

#Amanuensis #accomplices #act #partners #current #process



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