“UES, 183 years after its foundation†: Vicente Cuchillas 2024-02-25 00:26:55

This Friday on the Platform program, university professor Vicente Cuchillas spoke regarding the situation at the University of El Salvador, highlighting how to date several students have not been able to return to face-to-face classes, and the takeover of its facilities by the members of the New Ideas party.

“From 2000 to 2019, the UES managed to improve its educational quality, providing more master’s degrees and opening new careers that respond to the needs of the area, but with the arrival of Nayib Bukele the university regressed in development,” he said.

Additionally, Cuchillas recalled that in 2018 during a rally on the university campus, Bukele said that they did fulfill what they promised and even promised to make the university the best in Central America.

On the other hand, the teacher pointed out that the Government carried out some construction on the university campus to use it during the Central American Games, which to date has not allowed students to return to their in-person classes.

Finally, he added that “members of the official party took over the UES facilities, an attack and violation of the autonomy of the alma mater, in addition to a rumor of direct intervention by the university with the approval of a new organizational law. unique…The challenges for the UES are the defense of university autonomy, the fight for a fair budget, scientific development, in addition to resolving the issue of internal corruption that affects educational development and quality.

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