The Air Force is a pillar of prevention of any aggression and revisionism 2024-02-24 23:21:53

Mr. Dendias stated that with this flight he had the opportunity to understand “the extremely difficult conditions under which Air Force officers are required to carry out their work” while he thanked and expressed, as he said, the gratitude of the Greek state “to the pilots , all the personnel who support these aircraft from the ground, as well as the civilian personnel, for the great contribution to the defense of the territorial integrity of our country and to congratulate the current chief of the Air Force and the current chief of the Air Force for the personnel they give ».

Mr. Dendias reiterated the strategically important role of the 115th Fighter Wing, while noting that “the Air Force serves two roles” as “it is a key pillar of our country’s deterrence, but also an important pillar of contribution to society as a whole” speaking of its effectiveness but also, as he pointed out, the great ability of the executives who “are a guarantee for the security of the homeland, but also beyond that, for the stability in our wider region, for the prevention of any aggression and any revisionism”.

The Minister of National Defence, who was accompanied by Deputy Minister Yiannis Kefalogiannis, the head of GEETHA, the head of GEA and the ND MPs Sevi Voloudakis and Alexandros Markogiannakis, also referred to the ongoing effort, as he said, of the Greek state to strengthen and modernize the Air Force , noting that following the receipt of the Rafales, and the F16 Vipers that strengthen our squadrons, “provisions of weapons systems are being implemented, which upgrade our already high operational capabilities” reiterating that “we are already discussing the acquisition of the F-35, the most modern aircraft in the world, which will undoubtedly strengthen our country’s operational and deterrence capability”.

Nikos Dendias additionally, in his statements to journalists, spoke regarding the country’s effort, as he emphasized, “to regenerate, to create our defense industry and to create a new innovation system which will give us the opportunity to produce weapons systems. To produce ourselves, taking advantage of the possibilities and human capital of our country”.

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#Air #Force #pillar #prevention #aggression #revisionism



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