This fourth employee of the Asia Studio had locked herself in a room, said police spokesman Philipp Haßlinger. She has now been questioned as an earwitness. The interrogation of the suspect, an asylum seeker from Afghanistan (27), was underway on Saturday followingnoon.
It was previously known that the man had behaved aggressively when he was arrested in a green area opposite the crime scene. He was therefore incapacitated with a Taser, overpowered and taken into custody. He was initially taken to a hospital to be treated for his injuries. According to Haßlinger, the man had cuts that he probably inflicted on himself while carrying out the crime.
The Afghan was only transferred to police custody on Saturday morning, where the questioning of the accused began in the followingnoon with the help of an interpreter. There was initially no information regarding the suspect’s responsibility or a possible motive because the questioning was ongoing.
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Massive cuts and stab wounds
A real bloodbath had taken place in the red light bar. The women who were killed had massive cuts and stab wounds, so it was clear to the emergency services as soon as they entered the crime scene that any medical help was coming too late for the victims. The crime took place in several rooms – the bodies were found in different rooms, said Haßlinger.
The fact that the victims were treated with extremely violent force is also reflected in the fact that their identities are still not clear. The police said investigations were ongoing in this regard. So far, no official documents from the women have been found, said the spokesman when asked by the APA.
The 27-year-old was probably the last visitor to the Asia Studio. According to the current state of the investigation, there are no eyewitnesses to the bloody crime. The earwitness stated that she had kept the door to her room closed from the inside and then locked it, said Haßlinger. She never saw the attacker.
Holzleitner: Every third woman is affected by violence
SPÖ federal women’s leader Eva-Maria Holzleitner responded to the recent femicides with an appeal to the federal government – on Friday, four women who had been violently killed and a girl who had also been violently killed were found by the police in Vienna on a single day. In a broadcast, Holzleitner called for a crisis meeting and a national action plan to protect once morest violence. Every third woman in Austria is affected by violence, the number of entry bans increases every year, and the number of femicides is the highest in Europe. The aim must be to “install a permanent crisis team from the Ministry of Justice, Women’s Affairs and the Interior Ministry together with the victim and violence protection institutions and, in addition, to set up violence protection clinics and regular multi-institutional nationwide risk conferences across the board.”
The Viennese FPÖ leader Dominik Nepp sees an escalation of violence in Vienna. He called for “a rigorous deportation policy” and a stop to asylum admissions in the capital. For FPÖ security spokesman NAbg. Hannes Amesbauer, the black-green federal government bears “shared responsibility” for the crime in Brigittenau.
In Austria, women who experience violence can find help and information at the women’s helpline at: 0800-222-555,; at the Association of Autonomous Austrian Women’s Shelters (AÖF).; the Vienna Intervention Center once morest Violence in the Family/Violence Protection Center Vienna: and the 24-hour women’s emergency number of the city of Vienna: 01-71719 as well as the women’s shelter emergency number on 057722 and the Austrian violence protection centers: 0800/700-217; Police emergency number: 133
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