Population Awareness Campaigns in Assiut: Strategies for Reproductive Health and Family Planning

2024-02-24 14:05:33

Younis Darwish

Published on: Saturday, February 24, 2024 – 4:04 PM | Last updated: Saturday, February 24, 2024 – 4:04 PM

Major General Essam Saad, Governor of Assiut, confirmed the organization of many meetings and seminars during the month of February to raise awareness of the danger of population increase and the importance of reproductive health, in cooperation and coordination between agencies, directorates, governmental and non-governmental agencies, civil society institutions and civil associations, in accordance with the population strategic plan.

The Governor of Assiut stressed the importance of the National Project for the Development of the Egyptian Family, which was launched in 2022 to serve as the main nucleus for updating the National Strategy for Population and Development and represents a driving force for implementing the updated strategy, pointing to the importance of achieving the goals of the current presidential initiatives that aim to improve the level of the individual and improve the characteristics of the population, including A decent life, solidarity and dignity, the Women’s Empowerment Strategy 2030, the Children’s Strategy, the integration of people with disabilities and the elderly, taking into account their different needs, and increasing awareness of environmental issues and environmental preservation.

He announced that he will provide possible means of support and remove obstacles to the implementation of programs or plans that contribute to reducing the unjustified population increase, which negatively affects the sustainable development efforts that the state, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the President of the Republic, is working to achieve in the service and development sectors.

The governor explained that the awareness seminars in the villages and centers of the governorate were held under the supervision and participation of Muhammad Abdo, the rapporteur of the Regional Population Council in the governorate, the heads of centers and neighborhoods, and members of the Regional Population Council from the representatives of the various ministries of health, youth, sports, social solidarity, education, education, the National Council for Women, the General Information Service in the governorate, and the preaching and religious media area. And the Directorate of Endowments, the Church, and the Population Unit in the governorate and in the centers, and with the follow-up of the Central Population Unit in the Ministry of Local Development, headed by Dr. Fatima Al-Zahraa Gill, within the program to accelerate the local response to the population issue.

The Population Unit at the Assiut Center continued to organize awareness seminars on population increase, family planning, reproductive health, and the dangers of overpopulation to the family and society as part of the Egyptian Family Development Campaign, under the supervision of Hosni Darwish, head of the Assiut Center, and in cooperation with the Egyptian Public Library and its director, Hager Mahrous, director of the library, and the religious preaching and advertising area. In the governorate, where seminars were held at Masraa Joint Preparatory School and Al-Zawia Preparatory School for Boys on the population census, population characteristics, family planning, reproductive health, and youth and adolescent health, in the presence of Fathi Salah Amer, member of the National Council for Women, Ahmed Thabet, Vice President of the Center, and Amal Hamdy, Director of the Population Unit at the Assiut Center. Mona Abdel Malek Abbas, Director of the Special Needs Unit at the Center, and Samira Shawqi, Responsible for the Population Unit at the Center, in the presence of Sheikh Hassan Muhammad Hassan, a preacher at Al-Azhar.

The Population Unit in the governorate held awareness seminars on the danger of population increase in the Badari Center, with the participation of Muhammad Hassan Abdel Karim, head of the Badari Center and City, and Reda Half, Vice President of the Centre, in coordination with Dr. Wafaa, Director of the Health Department in Badari, and in the presence of Sheikh Yahya Aliwa, representative of the Endowments Department, and Najeh Latif, representative of the church.

He revealed the organization of a family planning convoy in the health unit in the village of Al-Aqal Al-Bahri, and a family planning campaign in the health unit in the village of Al-Atmaniyah and the health unit in the village of Al-Tadamon.

In the center of Dayrout, Mahmoud Najjar Atta, head of the center and city of Dayrout, held several seminars in the center’s villages, including a symposium at the headquarters of the local unit in Dashlot on the importance of family planning and the danger of early marriage, in the presence and participation of family planning officials and rural women pioneers in the center’s health units.

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