Air Passenger Rights Dominate Consumer Complaints: Insights from the European Consumer Center Luxembourg in 2023

2024-02-24 11:09:03

In 2023, air passenger rights represented 14% (or 605 cases) of cross-border questions or disputes handled by the European Consumer Center (CEC) Luxembourg. This is the main area among the 4,190 files registered, ahead of the purchase and rental of cars (8%, 358 files), mobile phones and equipment (4%, 151 files), and tourism (restaurants, hotels and timeshares). ) with 3% (126 files).

“This area of ​​air transport finds itself at the top every year,” analyzes Jean-Loup Stradella, lawyer at the CEC. Disputes are therefore quite frequent, with problems of cancellations, flight and baggage delays. Remember that an agreement was signed last year to improve the rights of passengers in the air sector, who are filing more and more complaints.

In 2023, the CEC Luxembourg, whose services are free, claims to have been able to recover, in all areas combined, the sum of 779,500 euros for the benefit of consumers. “This is a new record, which slightly exceeds the year 2021, which was marked by the special circumstances linked to Covid,” notes the Economic Interest Group.

#Air #transport #rise #crossborder #disputes



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