The secret meeting of the 8 and the candidacy of Gerovasilis 2024-02-24 10:27:50

On Thursday night and following Kasselakis’ speech at the opening of the SYRIZA conference, the meetings of top officials began, which lasted all night, in order to conclude that the appropriate choice for his opponent Stefanou Kasselakiswill be Olga Gerovasili.

The intervention of Alexis Tsipras, just one hour before the scheduled start of the 4th Congress of SYRIZA, created chain reactions in the Official Opposition party. Stefanios Kasselakis, despite his irritation, “raised the gauntlet”, announcing an appeal to the polls for the election of leader.

A few hours following the speech of Stefanos Kasselakis and under extreme secrecy, the top executives of the so-called presidential guard of Alexis Tsipras, gathered late at night to find the common candidacy.

Alekos Flambouraris, Christos Spirtzis, Katerina Notopoulou, Nikos Pappas, Kostas Zachariadis, Thanasis Theocharopoulos, but also the Secretaries of the party, Rania Svigou and George Vassiliadis they indulged in all-night deliberations.

In the discussion, the criticality of the moment was emphasized and the necessity to find a common line – and obviously a common candidate – so that there is hope once morest Stefanos Kasselakis. Close to midnight, those present invited Olga Gerovasilis to come to the meeting in an apartment in the center of Athens, telling her that she should “think regarding the prospect” of coming to the intra-party polls with a face of common acceptance.

The meeting ended at dawn, sparking a series of meetings since then. Olga Gerovasili asked to weigh the data and discuss with other top executives, such as Dionysis Teboneras. The meeting between the two took place at 12.30, at the office of the vice-president of the Parliament.

A little later, the speech of the young executive of the Political Secretariat followed at the Congress, which essentially paved the way for a single candidacy of the internal party opposition.

“We have a duty to keep this case alive. If it is necessary in order for this case to move forward, we must step aside for the good of the public, we will do so with pleasure, because this is how we grew up”, showing in this way that at the moment he has no intention of claiming the leadership of SYRIZA and it seems that he is stepping aside for Olga Gerovasilis.

Mr. Teboneras left clear points for Stefanos Kasselakis saying “my own roots are solid and timeless. They don’t need confirmation. In life we ​​have learned to fight for our ideas and principles by looking people in the face. Whatever we have to say, we say it with a clean face.”

And Dionysis Teboneras added “chairs and offices although they were offered to us, we never claimed them. We don’t even need them because we fight our battles with selflessness and self-sacrifice without asking for a share, within society. We are not all the same. We come from the bowels of Greek society, from the public school and university, from the daily struggle at work, in the midst of deprivation and injustice, but we have learned throughout our lives to defend the rights of the people.

The Left does not produce messiahs and heroes. It produces social role models. We have a duty to keep this cause alive. If it is necessary for this case to move forward, we have to do something for the common good, we will do it with pleasure because this is how we grew up.”

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#secret #meeting #candidacy #Gerovasilis



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