2024-02-23 18:44:09
St. Pölten (OTS) – “In the case of the knife attack in the initial reception center in Traiskirchen, the FPÖ shines through its hypocrisy. Blaming Interior Minister Karner is a cheap attempt to distract from the failures of his own party leader. Because it was Interior Minister Kickl under whom Austria issued the most positive asylum applications per capita in an EU comparison. If the FPÖ now wants to be outraged regarding an imported ‘knife culture’, they should contact their party leader Kickl,” said VPNÖ state manager BR Matthias Zauner.
Especially since the attacks with cutting and stabbing weapons were the same or even higher under Interior Minister Kickl. “Security risk Kickl is the classic case of preaching water and drinking wine. While Interior Minister Gerhard Karner can demonstrate clear successes with his ban on asylum, Kickl stands out for one thing in particular: empty promises. He promises people a ‘Fortress Austria’ – but when you look at the facts, this turns out to be nothing more than a castle in the air. The fact is: Gerhard Karner corrects Kickl’s inaction from 2018 and fulfills what Kickl makes people believe,” says Zauner in conclusion.
Questions & Contact:
People’s Party of Lower Austria
Sebastian felt
Press spokesman
+43 (0)664/8397471
[email protected]
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