Fan violence: A stern message with the first bells 2024-02-23 16:53:42

The above incidents happened within a week and the DEAB quickly made the decisions using the new sports law as a tool.

With this observation, the government is commenting on what has been happening lately regarding the criminal behavior in sports, noting that “we told you that the stadiums will open with a completely different regime and now you can see it for yourself”.

They point out that this is just the beginning and there is no way to discount them, as the upgraded DETAB will be ubiquitous and will impose the prescribed penalties. The actions of EL.AS will also be immediate. so that those who commit illegal acts are immediately identified and arrested.

Things have changed

In fact, as he said in top government source, when teams and fans alike understand that everything in terms of law enforcement has changed, then things will get a lot better.

The government recognizes that the problem will not be solved overnight, but they look forward to immediate cooperation with the groups, as this will ultimately be to their benefit. They understand the concern of PAE and KAE as to how one offender can be controlled among thousands of people, but they point out that unpleasant phenomena will decrease when everyone realizes that they will not go unpunished.

Developments for the 200 file as well

From then on, in parallel with the investigation into the murder of the police officer Giorgos Syngelidis by a naval flare outside the closed “Melina Merkouri” an investigation has been launched by the Police and the Justice for the hooligans-criminals who have invaded the stadiums.

In fact, Yiannis Oikonomou and Yiannis Vroutsis had presented to the Supreme Court prosecutor a file with 200 names of marked hooligans on December 12.

In response to’s question regarding what is happening with this case, an authoritative government source informed us that despite the fact that this investigation is being conducted… implicitly, not only has it not weakened, but it is progressing very quickly and soon there will be announcements regarding its results .

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#Fan #violence #stern #message #bells



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