The company Blue Light Energy SpA presented, on January 8, before the Environmental Evaluation Service (SEA) of the Ñuble Region, a query regarding the relevance of entering the Environmental Impact Assessment System (SEIA) for its Solar Park project. Ñiquén, which he intends to build in the homonymous commune.

According to the file, the project consists of the construction and operation of a photovoltaic solar park that will be made up of 4,284 solar modules in an area of ​​9.66 hectares, in the Las Miras sector -Camino a El Espinal-, generating an installed power of 3 MW.

The energy generated will be injected into the National Electrical System, through the San Carlos feeder of 13.2 kV voltage, which arrives directly from the San Gregorio substation, owned by the distributor Luz Parral.

The project contemplates a construction phase of approximately 25 weeks, with an average of 30 workers and a peak of 40; and will represent a total investment of US$3 million ($2.7 billion, approximately)

The relevance consultation corresponds to an abbreviated environmental evaluation mechanism that applies to smaller projects, in which the project owner submits a consultation to the SEA so that the organization ratifies that, given its scale, the project is not likely to cause impacts. according to current environmental regulations.