Border camp in California houses hundreds of irregular migrants per day 2024-02-23 13:35:46

In Jacumba Hot Springs, California, a makeshift camp was set up to receive hundreds of migrants daily. The site is located just a few kilometers from the southern border of the United States. After arriving there, the Border Patrol transfers people to other parts of the state.

In order to access the United States, migrants have to cross the gaps in the wall located on the Mexican side of the border. Afterwards, they walk several kilometers until they reach the camp where humanitarian workers offer them water and a place to rest.

Customs and Border Protection agents are then responsible for transporting them to a facility in San Diego where they are processed. Most of them are released so they can begin their asylum applications.

Migrants from all over the world

Irregular migrants from all over the world arrive at the aforementioned camp. In recent days there has been a greater presence of Indians, Chinese and Russians. By the way, CBP announced that during the year 2023, 37 thousand Chinese migrants were detained illegally crossing the border.

According to News Nation, Chinese migrants pay up to $35,000 to reach the United States. Those traveling by land take advantage of a known route from Quito to Tulcán, a small city located on the border with Colombia. Then they continue the journey through jungles and coasts until they arrive in Mexico.

United States immigration authorities remember that if there is a credible case for asylum, then they will place the immigrant in court. However, this step does not grant a work permit in the country.

Several immigrant protection programs currently operate through CBP One. The application allows people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela to request temporary protection under a sponsorship scheme. However, the person must arrive at the border when the appointment is confirmed, never before.

#Border #camp #California #houses #hundreds #irregular #migrants #day



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