The Fairphone 4 gets a photo update, and it’s good news

The Fairphone 4 gets a photo update, and it’s good news

2024-02-22 19:36:00

A manufacturer certainly much more confidential than Samsung, Apple or Xiaomi, Fairphone has continued its journey for a little over ten years, and aims to make the world of telephony more virtuous, by focusing on the best sourced components possible and on a policy generous updates. This is all the more important as the modularity of its smartphones guarantees increased software durability.

Aware of the weakness of its terminals in the field of image capture, the brand announces the deployment of an update dedicated to the photo component of its Fairphone 4. A device launched in September 2021, which had struggled to convince in this area when testing the device. More than a simple upgrade, this is an overhaul of the shooting application, whose ergonomics have been redesigned, but also an improvement in the speed of autofocus, in increase of 50% according to the brand’s calculations. Above all, Fairphone announces that it has improved photo quality: the company promises “more contrast and detail than before” in low light, but also better in the field of digital noise reduction and colorimetry management. The opportunity for us to take this Fairphone 4 into the laboratory to find out for sure.

Focus on color

Our tests indicate differences that are mainly visible in terms of colorimetry and contrast management. While the images, with the Fairphone 4 before update, presented faded tones and compensated with a clear accentuation of micro-contrasts, the smartphone today prefers greater saturation. It’s not really natural, but the result is more flattering to the eye. We perceive, on other elements of our scene (portraits in particular) that this softening of contrasts does more justice to the faces. On the other hand, the Fairphone 4 struggles more to distinguish nearby colors, undoubtedly due to this exacerbated saturation.

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Fairephone 4 (day wide angle, before update)

Fairphone 4 (day wide angle, following update) enlarge

In low light, we also note the work done by the brand in terms of color management. They are more vivid, and necessarily more flattering to the eye, the exposure is better controlled, the contrast slightly increased, and the sharpness is a little higher at the periphery of the image. On the other hand, we note that the noise is more visible, and takes precedence over the smoothing favored by the smartphone previously.

Fairphone 4 (night wide-angle, before update)

Fairphone 4 (night wide angle, following update) enlarge

Ultra-wide-angle photos are also improving. The images benefit from softer processing when the light is right, thus gaining in naturalness. And in low light, the sharpness increases significantly. In short, if it does not claim to compete with specialized photophones and remains far from the best products of its kind, the Fairphone 4 is improving and does not fail in its promise to improve its performance.

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