Baerbock calls on Lavrov to end the war 2024-02-22 05:32:03

AForeign Minister Annalena Baerbock addressed her Russian colleague Sergei Lavrov directly at the meeting of the G-20 foreign ministers of the leading economic powers and called for an end to the war in Ukraine. “If you care regarding human lives, if you care regarding your own people, Russian children and young people, you must end this war now,” said the Green politician on Wednesday in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, directly addressing Lavrov, who was in three seats sat to her left. “If Russia ended this war now, the path to peace and justice tomorrow would be wide open,” she added.

Baerbock appealed to the other members of the group: “If we want to build a “just world”, we have to tackle wars and crises together. Determined, respectful and with a willingness to self-reflect.” She respects the different perspectives on the war in Ukraine. A country 10,000 kilometers away from Kiev perceives a different security threat than a country in Europe.

But “Russia’s aggression is more than a regional conflict,” warned Baerbock. The Russian war of aggression “calls on all of us to resolutely defend the fundamental principles that protect us all: the United Nations Charter, international law and human rights. These principles protect all nations, no matter how large or small.”

In addition to Germany, France and the USA, the G-20 round also includes Russia and China, among others. The G-20 group represents around 80 percent of the world’s economic power and 60 percent of the world’s population. Brazil currently holds the presidency.

Zelensky praises shooting down of seven Russian fighter jets

In Kiev, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky praised the air force for shooting down seven Russian fighter jets. The Sukhoi fighter jets were shot down within a week, the head of state said in his evening video message broadcast on Wednesday. “I am grateful to our Air Force and everyone who protects our airspace,” Zelensky said. The most important tasks in the war include protecting the airspace and positions at the front from Russian air and missile attacks.

Ahead of the second anniversary of the start of the war, Zelensky also announced new major security agreements with Ukraine’s allies. Among other things, it is regarding defense aid for the soldiers and very specific financial guarantees for the state, said Zelensky. He initially did not give any details. Most recently, Ukraine concluded security agreements with Great Britain, Germany and France. The president announced that more should follow in the coming weeks.

This Saturday, Ukraine commemorates the second anniversary of the start of the Russian war of aggression. Kremlin chief Vladimir Putin ordered the invasion on February 24, 2022, bringing death and destruction to the neighboring country. Ukraine is defending itself once morest the attack with military, financial and military assistance from the West.

What will be important on Thursday

On Thursday (from 9 a.m.), the Bundestag will debate, among other things, military support for Ukraine. While the application from the traffic light parties SPD, Greens and FDP only generally calls for the “delivery of additionally required long-range weapon systems”, the CDU/CSU opposition also explicitly mentions Taurus-type cruise missiles. Ukraine also wants this. However, Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) still rejects delivery of this weapon system.

#Baerbock #calls #Lavrov #war



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