Germaine Acogny: African Dance Philosopher and Innovator

2024-02-21 23:51:34

Author of a book on African dance in 1980 prefaced by Léopold Sédar Senghor and Maurice Béjart, Germaine Acogny has developed its own gestures whose credo is rooting and openness, like the cheese maker, its symbol, “high, strong and light tree” which draws its energy from its deep roots to rise and grow. open towards the sky. The body dialogues with the cosmos: “ the chest is the sun, the buttocks the moon, the pubis the stars, and the spine is the tree of life from which all movements flow. »

Here she develops what she calls “the Beninese instinct and the Senegalese gesture”, explains her philosophy and details, from the members of her body, the 64 movements that she invented and which she transmits, to like the baobab, the palm tree, the snake, the panther, the water lily, the snail, etc.


A series of interviews proposed by Caroline Broué. Director: Jeanne Cherequefosse. Sound recording: Christophe Michou. Program manager: Daphné Abgrall.

For further

The Ecole des Sables website in Senegal

Dancing hope: portrait of Germaine Acogny. Film by Vali Fugulin and Martin Morissette (2016)

Teaser of Iya Tunde, the mother has returneddocumentary by Laure Malécot (2017)

Mudra Afrique, film by Gudie Lawaetz and André Waksman (1980)


Germaine Acogny, dancing humanityLaure Malécot (Ed. Vives Voix, Dakar, 2019)

African dance, Germaine Acogny, prefaced by Léopold Sédar Senghor (Ed. Nouvelles éditionsafricaines, 1994)

The stories of Aloopho, Togoun Servais Acogny (Ed. Nea-Edicef, 1985)

Shadow songs. Followed by Hosts, Léopold Sédar Senghor (Ed. Seuil, 1956)

#episode #Germaine #Acogny #podcast #dancing #roots #openness



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