Georgiadis for afternoon surgeries: From 300-2,000 euros 2024-02-21 14:27:35

“We are not privatizing the NHS. Anyone would be a fool to think we don’t need the NHS. Our purpose is to strengthen the NHS and strengthen its public character. We love the NHS, that’s why we take care and that’s why we work”, Mr. Georgiadis made it clear from the beginning of his position.

Afternoon surgeries were my priority from the beginning, emphasized the Minister of Health and added: “We are not telling hospitals today that in a month you will introduce followingnoon surgeries. We ask that they tell us who can and who wants to. The decision will be made jointly by the clinics and the hospital administration.”


We give an additional way out to a person who wants to pay a reasonable cost to be operated on as early as possible, said A. Georgiadis and added: “We are not legalizing the sachet – as some say – which remains illegal and we will continue to pursue it” .

As the Minister of Health pointed out, the followingnoon surgeries will be done transparently, at a much lower cost than the private sector, and attention will be paid to detail. “The only place that should compete with the followingnoon surgeries are the private centers, because they will have excellent scientists, organized hospitals and competitive services” he emphasized.

What we are trying to do is to make the doctor’s position more attractive, explained Mr. Georgiadis, adding that the response from doctors is to increase their salaries. “In order to double the fees of the NHS doctors, we will have to put in another ENFIA. Doctors should increase their incomes in a legal way. The evening surgeries will contribute to this, which will also eliminate corruption. We will give doctors an additional incentive to come to the NHS”, he concluded.



Mr. Georgiadis also referred to the list of surgeries, which has been in effect since February 1st, but is not yet in public view, saying that: “In three months the list will be made public so that citizens will know with complete transparency how long they will have to wait for their regular surgery depending on which clinic they choose. This will also motivate the clinics to work more efficiently and with noble competition.”



The average waiting time for the morning clinics of the NHS has dropped to 1/3 of what it was 20 years ago when the followingnoon clinics were introduced, the Minister of Health pointed out, saying that there were the same reactions when the followingnoon clinics were introduced in the NHS .

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#Georgiadis #followingnoon #surgeries #euros



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