Two dead from bullets in front of a court 2024-02-21 14:25:33

Law enforcement rushed to the area in the early followingnoon local time, “following shots were fired in front of the Montpellier courthouse,” the prefecture said in X.

“The final tally is two dead. The incident has ended” and the area “has been cordoned off,” the prefecture added.

“We are not in a terrorist scenario,” but in a case involving “a man and a woman who were separating,” a source close to the authorities then clarified to AFP.

It is “first of all a woman who was shot by her husband, who then committed suicide,” a Montpellier police officer told AFP.

“Beforehand, they had a meeting or a hearing for their divorce. Each was regarding 60 years old,” another police source told AFP.

Source: RES-MPE

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