2024-01-25 09:21:14

Home > News > Napso, medicine for the non-sick written on January 25, 2024 at 10:21 a.m. Education is essential in prevention. Article published in newspaper nº 120

Did you make any good resolutions on January 1st? Great good to you because the figures for a sedentary lifestyle, obesity and quality of sleep show that these fundamentals of health prevention are not assimilated by a large population! Consulting a napso-therapist is an option to get back in control.

Since 1997, the prevalence of overweight has always fluctuated around 30% while that of obesity has continued to increase: it went from 8.5% in 1997 to 15% in 2012 and 17% in 20201. physical activity, we are also far from the mark with 37% of children aged 6 to 10 and 73% of young people aged 11 to 17 who do not meet the recommendations in terms of physical activity, and 47% of women and 29% of men who are physically inactive2. As for sleep, it is a constant source of concern: 37% of French people are dissatisfied with the quality of their sleep, and the average duration of sleep has fallen below 7 hours per night during the week in 2023 (6 hours 58 minutes), that is 1 hour 30 minutes less per night than thirty years ago3!

Laurence Plumey, nutritionist, took the problem head on. Hospital practitioner, author4, she founded during the health crisis a new discipline, napso-therapy (“napso” for nutrition, physical activity, sleep) based on two observations: adults and children gain weight, move less and tend to sleep poorly; and these people are not sick enough to go see the doctor. So who is the professional likely to take care of them? She then imagines a profession where therapists would be trained in nutrition, physical activity and sleep counseling and might help people to reprogram their behaviors, to anticipate potential health problems, to find levers to regain energy, confidence and vitality, and even to propose a complete program for aging well, as part of health prevention.

Who can train and what?

The training offered over 45 days (315 hours) is distributed…

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Bibliographic references

Obesity and overweight: almost one in two French people affected. State of play, prevention and therapeutic solutions, INSERM, February 20, 2023. Key figures on physical inactivity and sedentary lifestyle in France, ONAP, consulted in 2024. Press kit, 23rd sleep day, National Institute of Sleep and vigilance. Napso therapy: nutrition, physical activity, sleep, a revolutionary approach to health, ed. Eyrolles, 2023.

Under no circumstances can the information and advice offered on the Alternative Santé site replace a consultation or diagnosis made by a doctor or health professional, the only ones able to adequately assess your state of health.




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