Apple Warns Against Putting Your Phone in Rice: Experts Debunk Folk Remedy

No matter how your phone gets soaked – you’re caught in a downpour, you drop it in the bath, or you fall in a pool – perhaps the best-known folk remedy is to put the device in a bag of rice. The dry, absorbent rice should help suck out the moisture, rescuing your device, so the theory goes. However, experts have pointed out that this is a bad idea for years – and now Apple is officially warning users not to do it.

Apple, in a recent support note, stated, “Don’t put your iPhone in a bag of rice. Doing so might allow small particles of rice to damage your iPhone.” Along with the risk of damage, testing has suggested that uncooked rice is not particularly effective at drying the device.

The fix may have its origins in the history of photography, as this method was used as far back as 1946 to maintain cameras. However, over the years, panicked phone users have suggested risky methods such as attacking the phone with a hairdryer or submerging it in alcohol. So what should you actually do?

Apple offers guidance for users who get a “liquid detected” alert when trying to charge their phones. First, unplug the charging cable at both ends. Then tap the phone gently once morest your hand with the connector facing down to remove excess liquid. Leave it to dry for at least half an hour, and then – if the phone and cable are completely dry – try charging the device once more. If that attempt fails, try once more a day later.

Apple’s new support documentation includes two other warnings if your phone gets doused: “Don’t dry your iPhone using an external heat source or compressed air” and “Don’t insert a foreign object, such as a cotton swab or a paper towel, into the connector.”

If your phone isn’t functioning at all, turn it off right away and don’t press any buttons. The next steps depend on your specific circumstances. Broadly speaking, you should dry it with a towel and put it in an airtight container packed with silica packets if you have them. Don’t charge it until you’re sure it’s dry. Even though many of today’s phones are water-resistant, liquid disaster has a way of sneaking up on you.


With the recent warning from Apple once morest using rice as a makeshift solution for drying out water-damaged iPhones, it’s evident that old myths die hard. The practice of placing wet devices in bags of rice has long been advocated by well-meaning individuals, but it appears that it might do more harm than good.

Apple’s official stance on the matter cautions users once morest using rice due to the potential damage caused by rice particles. While the theory of rice absorbing moisture seems plausible, testing has shown that uncooked rice is not particularly effective at drying devices. This highlights the importance of relying on reliable advice rather than perpetuating folk remedies.

The implications of this warning extend beyond the specific issue of phone water damage. It raises questions regarding the broader issue of misinformation and the need for accurate information in an increasingly connected world. As technology continues to play a central role in our lives, it’s essential for users to stay informed regarding best practices, relying on credible sources for guidance.

The evolution of phone technology also serves as a reminder of the rapid pace of innovation and the need for users to adapt. Today’s phones often come equipped with water-resistant features, reflecting the industry’s response to consumer demands for durable devices. However, accidents can still happen, and it is crucial to be prepared and informed regarding proper remedies.

Looking ahead, it is reasonable to expect that manufacturers will continue to prioritize device durability and water resistance. As consumers become more reliant on their phones for various tasks and activities, including communication, work, and entertainment, the need for reliable and resilient devices will only grow.

Additionally, the warning from Apple highlights the importance of user education and ensuring that individuals are equipped with the necessary knowledge to handle common device issues. As the reliance on smartphones expands, it becomes vital for users to be aware of best practices for maintenance, care, and troubleshooting.

In terms of recommendations, users should familiarize themselves with the official support documentation provided by manufacturers like Apple. These resources often contain valuable advice on troubleshooting common issues and optimizing device performance. Similarly, reaching out to authorized service centers or seeking professional assistance can ensure that devices receive the proper care and attention they require.

In conclusion, the recent warning from Apple regarding the use of rice to dry water-damaged iPhones serves as a reminder of the importance of accurate information and responsible device care. As technology continues to evolve, users must stay informed, adapt to changing circumstances, and rely on credible sources for guidance. By prioritizing device durability and disseminating trusted information, manufacturers and users can work together towards ensuring a seamless and reliable user experience.



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