Abnormal Leg Pain: Symptoms, Types, and Relief Strategies

Abnormal Leg Pain: Symptoms, Types, and Relief Strategies

2024-02-20 07:15:26
Check now! Leg pain. What kind of pain is considered abnormal?

Leg pain is a feeling of discomfort. or have an injury in the leg area There may be pain in both legs. Or have symptoms in a specific area such as the calf, thigh, shin, or ankle, etc. The nature of leg pain has different levels of pain. This may include a throbbing pain, a stabbing pain, or a tingling pain down the leg.

Leg pain may be accompanied by other symptoms that vary, such as:

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– Press and there is pain.

-Red or bruised

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– Muscle fatigue or weakness

-Not being able to walk properly or having difficulty walking

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3 Types of Leg Pain There are many types of leg pain. which will divide pain according to type as follows

1. Symptoms of leg pain from the nervous system (Neurological Pain) Pain from the nervous system can occur. Even when sitting and resting, the characteristic is that the legs will twitch or the legs will shake on their own. without being able to control These symptoms usually occur when nerves are inflamed or damaged.

2. Leg pain caused by muscles and bones (Musculoskeletal Pain). For example, pain that arises from muscles or bones, such as arthritis, is a symptom that often occurs with age. There will be pain, swelling, and when pressed you will feel pain in various joints such as the knee joint or ankle. The knee has a rustling sound (Crepitus) where there will be a sound inside the knee while moving the knee. And there is knee pain associated with falls that cause injuries to muscles and tendons. Cramps are a condition in which the muscles contract. until hardened into a lump Tissue death from high pressure in the muscle compartment (Compartment Syndrome) Achilles tendonitis

3. Vascular Pain: Examples of leg pain caused by blood vessels include peripheral arterial disease (PAD), deep vein thrombosis (DVT). ) Vasculitis, varicose veins in the legs (Varicose vein), legs changing color along with pain.

How to relieve leg pain yourself. Mild leg pain symptoms can be easily relieved by yourself at home as follows.

-Rest the aching leg as much as possible.

-Apply a cold compress to the affected area for 15-20 minutes at a time, 3 times a day.

-When sitting or lying down, raise your legs high.

-Use massage therapy to relieve pain.

-Use muscle compression cloth To help support and relieve pain in muscles and joints that have been injured and work less.

-If it is pain caused by cramps Grasp your toes and gently pull them toward your body, holding to relax the muscles.

Symptoms of leg pain are unusual and should be seen by a doctor immediately.

-The leg that is in pain is swollen or red.

-has a fever as well

-Feeling cold and pale.

-Legs turn black or dark blue

-Pain to the point of being unable to walk

-There is swelling and redness. And my thighs hurt a lot.

-When taking care of yourself initially for 2-3 days, symptoms still haven’t improved.

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