Gold Reserves in Latin America: A Comprehensive Study

2024-02-20 18:56:21

With 61.74 tons, Argentina is fourth; Bolivia, fifth, with 42.51; and Peru, sixth, with 34.68. Photo: LR/AFP composition

Venezuela leads in Latin America in terms of gold reserves, with regarding 161 tons stored in the Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV), according to a recent report by Trading Economics. This data places the country in an important position compared to other Latin American nations, such as Brazil and Mexico, which have 130 and 120 tons of gold, respectively. Furthermore, it occupies second place on the American continent, only surpassed by the United States.

From the second quarter of 2020, Venezuela’s reserves have not seen significant changes, but the country maintains a prominent position thanks to its considerable accumulation of gold. This valuable metal continues to be a fundamental element for central banks, offering stability and generating confidence in the national economies.

The United States is the country with the largest gold reserves in the world, above other developed countries such as Germany, Italy or France. Photo: Sputnik

What is the country that has the largest gold reserve in Latin America?

Brazilfor its part, has experienced a significant rebound in its gold reserveswent from having 67.36 tons a 129.65 tonsa movement that reflects a proactive strategy to strengthen its economy.

Mexico shows a varied trend in its gold reserveswith a slight decrease at the end of 2022. However, countries such as Argentina have seen an increase in their reserves, so they went from 54.77 tons in June 2020 to almost 62 in 2022.

Venezuela, the country with the largest gold reserve in Latin America. The United States is the country with the most of this mineral in America. Photo: Trading Economics/capture

The stability that gold provides to national economies is indisputable. The gold reserves of central banks are directly related to the size and strength of each country’s economy, according to José Ignacio Martínez Cortés, coordinator of the Analysis Laboratory in Commerce, Economy and Business (LACEN) from UNAM.

Why are gold reserves so important for a country?

Las gold reserves in Latin America and throughout the world they represent not only a measure of economic security, but also a clear signal of the prudence and financial strategy of countries in the management of their economies.

The gold accumulation by central banks has intensified, especially during the last quarter of 2022, when they set a record with the purchase of approximately 400 tonsaccording to him World Gold Council (WGC).

This phenomenon is not limited to Latin Americaother countries like Egypt, India y Türkiye They have also shown increasing interest in expanding their gold reserves, partly as a preventive measure once morest the possible depreciation of their currencies.

The strategy of gold accumulation expresses a global trend towards diversification of reserves and the search for financial stability in a context of economic uncertainty.

Venezuela stands out compared to its regional neighbors such as Brazil and Mexico. Photo: The Economist

These are the countries with the largest gold reserves in the world

USA It is the country with the largest gold reserves in the world, above other developed countries such as Germany, Italy o Franceaccording to the official website of Trading Economics.

  • United States (8133 tons)
  • Germany (3353 tons)
  • Italy (2452 tons)
  • France (2437 tons)
  • Russia (2333 tons)
  • China (2235 tons)
  • Switzerland (1040 tons)
  • Japan (846 tons)
  • India (804 tons)
  • Netherlands (612 tons)
  • The countries with the largest gold reserves in the world. Photo: Trading Economics

    How many gold reserves does Peru have?

    Peru has subsoil gold reserves estimated at 2,346 fine metric tons (FMT), according to the 2022 report of the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Mine). Of these, 1,622 TMF are considered probable reserves, and 724 TMF are proven reserves.

    The geographical distribution of these reserves shows that the majority is located in Cajamarca, with 774 TMF, followed by Puno (493 TMF), La Libertad (283 TMF), Madre de Dios (225 TMF) and Arequipa (173 TMF), among other departments.

    Despite A lots of It is the second department in terms of gold reserves, its production of the yellow metal represents only 3.2% of the national total. On the other hand, the main gold producing region in Peru es Freedomfollowed by Cajamarca and Arequipa.

    Largest gold mines in the world

    The largest source of gold in the entire world has been the basin of Witwatersrand in South Africa, which represents approximately 30% of all gold mined. Other important sources of gold are Me, see me, located in the same country, the Super Pit and Newmont Boddington mines, in Australia; he Grasberg mine in Indonesia and the mines in the state of Nevada, in the United States.

    If we talk regarding companies, Nevada Gold Minesmajority owned by the Canadian company Barrick Gold, is the largest gold mining complex in the world, producing around 3.5 million ounces a year.

    Which countries have the highest copper production?

    • Chile (5,384 tons)
    • Democratic Republic of the Congo (2,600 tons)
    • Peru (2,425 tons)
    • China (1,696 tons)
    • United States (1,203 tons)
    • Russia (926 tons)

    The countries with the largest silver reserves in the world

    Silver is one of the most used metals in the world. Photo: World Energy Trade

    • Peru (98,000 tons)
    • Australia (92,000 tons)
    • China (71,000 tons)
    • Poland (65,000 tons).

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