We are proceeding with the interfacing of POS with cash registers – 2024-02-20 13:50:05

The Minister of Finance, Kostis Hatzidakis, met today with representatives of Market Bodies, who are directly involved in the project of interfacing POS with cash registers, together with the competent Deputy Minister, Haris Theoharis, and the Governor of AADE, Giorgos Pitsilis.

In this meeting, on the one hand, the important progress that has been made in the last months was discussed both at the legislative and administrative level, but also at the level of coordination between all those involved (Ministry, AADEPOS and cash register providers, installation technicians, etc.).

On the other hand, it was emphasized on all sides that the project is one of the most important steps in dealing with tax evasion, in which the Government is not going to back down, as it is, among other things, a milestone project for our smooth financing from the Recovery Fund.

“In the interconnection project, we are proceeding with the gas pressed”, the Minister characteristically emphasized, adding that “we are here today to listen to the representatives of the market, but also to face together any problems they bring us and which are logical to arise during the implementation of this so complex and multi-layered work”.

The Deputy Minister stated for his part that “this meeting aims at a substantial and productive exchange of views with the entire market so that we can resolve questions, provide clarifications, but also listen to substantive issues and plan the necessary adjustments. I am sure that following this meeting the pace will accelerate and we will reach the result desired by everyone – government and market”.

At the meeting, it was agreed that the representatives of the Agencies should inform their members immediately regarding the obligation they have to connect the POS with their cash registers by February 29. Tens of thousands of informational emails have already been sent by AADE to the liaison officers, who must immediately get in touch with the installation technicians, in order to complete the process.

In addition, the 4th cycle of the “Digital Transactions” program is to be opened in the next few days, which will allow subsidizing through “vouchers” part of the purchase and interconnection costs of the POS. The meeting was attended by, among others, the President of the Central Union of Chambers of Greece Ioannis Masoutis, the President of the Economic Chamber of Greece Konstantinos Kollias, the President of ESEE Giorgos Karanikas, the President of GSEVEE, Giorgos Kavvathas, the President of SELPE Antonis Makris, the President of the General Confederation of Associations of Producers of Professional and Industrial Products of Popular Markets of Greece Angelos Deretzis and the President of the Panhellenic Federation of Producers of Agricultural Products of Popular Markets Pantelis Moschos.

Finally, according to the newsit, the important progress that has already been made by the Ministry and AADE is recalled as 11 legislative and administrative procedures that were required for the project to proceed have been completed for some time now. Analytically:

  • In September 2023, the POS registry was established and the first transmission of data from providers was completed.
  • In October 2023, all relevant decisions regarding the timetable and interconnection process were issued.
  • In November, the deadline for submitting a statement to the POS Registry expired (1,032,000 POS are registered) and a special committee was created with the participation of the competent Deputy Minister Haris Theoharis, the Governor of AADE Giorgos Pitsilis and representatives of all agencies with the aim of coordination and better organization of the course of the project.
  • Throughout December and January providers had time to comply with the rules of the new declaration and operation framework for both wired and wireless POS.
  • A few days ago, a separate meeting was held with the representatives of the providers of cash registers, POS terminals as well as installation technicians where it was agreed both the better coordination and the acceleration of the software upgrade process which is a prerequisite for the interconnection as well as the faster supply to the additional POS market .
  • Finally, AADE sends thousands of e-mails every day to professionals who are required to connect their systems in order to do so directly by contacting the installation technicians.

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