Why are we more and more allergic to pollen? Understand in three minutes

2024-02-20 05:00:10

Itchy eyes, unwanted sneezing, stuffy nose… These symptoms, which return earlier and earlier in the year – the National Aerobiological Surveillance Network notes in its bulletin of February 16 that the risk of allergy is high in more than three quarters of the metropolitan territory – are perhaps familiar to you. And for good reason: 30% of adults and 20% of children are affected by pollen allergy in France. An allergy that has been constantly increasing in industrialized countries in recent decades. According to the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety, the number of people affected by this type of allergy has doubled in twenty years.

In this video, we explain the proven links between increasing temperatures, the high concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere and the lengthening of the pollen season. To find out more regarding pollen and its links to climate change, we refer you to this post in the “Human heat” section, which explores this subject in depth.

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“Understand in three minutes”

The explanatory videos that make up the “Understand in three minutes” series are produced by the Vertical Videos department of the Monde. Broadcast primarily on platforms such as TikTok, Snapchat, Instagram and Facebook, they aim to put major events into context in a short format and make the news accessible to everyone.

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