Opinion Poll: Sweeping lead of 18.5 points 2024-02-19 18:57:44

According to the Opinion Poll, citizens are more concerned about accuracy and economy, while they consider that the government’s measures for farmers are not satisfactory, but they disagree with the closure of national roads.

In the question about the most problem you are most concerned about, 59.6% say accuracy and revaluations, 31.3% economy/development, 22.9% crime, 17.7% the situation in the National Social Security, 13.4% the state of education and 12.2% unemployment.

Regarding the operation of non-state universities, 53.4% ​​judge it positively or rather positively, while 39.7% negatively or rather negatively, while 6.9% say I don’t know/don’t answer.

Regarding occupations in HEIs, 60.1% see them negatively or rather negatively, while 34.9% see them positively or rather positively.

Regarding the measures for farmers and whether they are satisfactory, 34.7% say no, 19.7% probably no, 19.5% probably yes, 15.4% yes and I don’t know I don’t answer 10.7 %.

On whether you agree with the blocking of national roads by farmers 50.8% say no, 22.8% yes, 12.9% probably no and 11.3% probably yes.

In the political part of the poll and in the popularity of political leaders, Kyriakos Mitsotakis is first with 41.6%, followed by Dimitris Koutsoubas with 39.1%, Nikos Androulakis with 30.6%, Zoe Konstantopoulou with 29.9%, Kyriakos Velopoulos with 25.6%, Stefanos Kasselakis with 22.2%, Alexis Haritsis with 19.1%, Dimitris Natsios with 15.2% and Vasilis Stigas with 8.5%,

In the question of who do you consider most suitable for prime minister, Kyriakos Mitsotakis leads with 36.9%, followed by nobody with 29.4% and third is Stefanos Kasselakis with 7.2%

For the main voting criterion in the European elections, 70% say it is the developments and problems in the country, while 13% say the future of the EU.

In the intention to vote for the European elections, ND leads with 27.1%, PASOK with 11.5%, SYRIZA with 9.9%, Hellenic Solution with 7.5%, KKE with 7.4%, Niki with 3%, Pleussi Eleftherias with 2.9%, New Left with 2.6%, Spartans with 2.2% and MeRA25 with 1.9%. 21% say they are undecided.

In the vote estimate for the European elections, the ND has a percentage of 34.3%, PASOK 14.6%, SYRIZA 12.5%, Hellenic Solution with 9.5%, KKE with 9.4%, Niki with 3 .8%, Pleusi Eleftherias with 3.7%, New Left with 3.3% and MeRA25 with 2.4%.

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In terms of voting intention for the elections, New Democracy leads with 31.6%, followed by PASOK with 13.1% and SYRIZA third with 10.5%. The KKE has a percentage of 8.2%, the Hellenic Solution with 7.6%, Victory with 3.3%, Freedom Sailing with 3.1%, New Left with 2.4% and the Spartans with 2.1 %.

In the vote estimate for the national elections, ND collects 36.2%, PASOK 15% and SYRIZA 12%. KKE follows with 9.7%, Hellenic Solution with 8.7%, Victory with 3.8%, Freedom Sailing with 3.6%, New Left with 2.7%, Spartans with 2.5 % and MePA25 with 2.2%.

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#Opinion #Poll #Sweeping #lead #points

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