Freelancers: Small contributions, low pension 2024-02-18 10:16:17

Of the 1,189,882 self-employed insured (professionals and farmers), 1,057,743 stayed at the lowest premium. A low contribution also means a low pension. For the self-employed, for example, the pension with a contribution of 1her category for 40 years of insurance reaches 874.62 euros and in category 6 it is 1,872.8 euros. And the farmers for the same years are not going to get more than 600 euros at today’s prices.


According to the final figures of EFKA, out of 769,907 self-employed, 657,808 (85%) stayed in 1the category. Only 4,644 chose to move to a higher bracket, while 6,905 moved from a higher to a lower contribution bracket.

The picture is the same for farmers. Of the 419,915 insured, 399,935 (95%) stayed in 1the and cheaper category, 19,980 remained unchanged in the next categories and 1,331 moved, of which 872 chose a larger category, while 459 went to a smaller one. A low premium leads mathematically to a low pension.

The amounts

For freelancers, for example:

*The pension that the contribution of 1her category with 30 years of insurance is only 658 euros and with 40 years of insurance it reaches 874.62 euros.

*The pension that the contribution of 2 makes todayher category with 30 years of insurance is 704.37 euros. At 35 years the pension is 819.79 euros and at 40 years of insurance it reaches 964.33 euros.

The picture improves following 3the category. For example:

*The pension that the contribution of 3 makes todayher category with 30 years of insurance is 779.16 euros. At 35 years the pension is 925.60 euros and at 40 years of insurance it reaches 1,108.99 euros.

*The pension that the contribution of 4 makes todayher category with 33 years of insurance is 970.45 euros. At age 39, the pension is 1,225.66 euros and at 42 years of insurance it reaches 1,285.46 euros.

*The pension that the contribution of 5 makes todayher category with 33 years of insurance is 1,102.40 euros and with 40 years of insurance it reaches 1,474.74 euros.

*The pension that the contribution of 6 makes todayher category with 35 years is 1,484.26 euros and at 40 years of insurance it reaches 1,872.8 euros.

For debtors

For approximately 350,000 professionals, who entered the debt regulation of Law 4611/2019, the risk of a low pension is not eliminated as, entering the regulation, they chose to recalculate their debt from 2002 to 2016 with the minimum contribution of 157 euros, regardless of whether they had pay more! With the recalculation, they won a haircut of up to 50% in their debt, but they definitely lost 20% to 30% of their pension, because it will be calculated with the minimum contributions.

What insurance categories freelancers and farmers

Insurance class El. Professionals Farmers Total non-salaried employees Monthly professional contribution from 1/1/2024 Monthly farmers’ contribution from 1/1/2024
1 657.808 399.935 1.057.743 248,22 € 141,8
2 41.910 7.829 49.739 295,87 € 170,15
3 31.842 4.912 36.754 352,59 € 204,18
4 17.588 3.584 21.172 421,78 € 245,02
5 8.914 1.719 10.633 503,46 € 294,94
6 11.845 1.936 13.781 652,06 € 384,56
Total 769.907 419.915 1.189.822
Insured El. Professionals up to 5 years: Number 228,089. 5-year special contribution amount: €152.93

Source: EFKA

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