Free the Activist: Rocío San Miguel Arrested by Maduro Regime

2024-02-17 23:44:14

The activist Rocío San Miguel.IVAN REYESAFP

The Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Jose Manuel Albaresspoke with the Chavista diplomat Yván Gil, on the arrest of the activist and human rights defender Rocío San Miguel, arrested eight days ago by Maduro regime.

Foreign sources have reported that Albares has had a telephone conversation with Gil this Saturday, in which he was interested in the arrest of San Miguel and also in the situation of the office of the United Nations High Commissioner in Venezuela, whose activity has been suspended by the Government of Caracas.

San Miguel, president of the non-governmental organization Citizen Control, was arrested on Friday, February 9, along with several relatives, including her daughter.

The Chavista Government accuses her of “the alleged commission of crimes of treason, conspiracy, terrorism and association” and the Prosecutor’s Office indicates that it is “allegedly linked” with a conspiracy once morest the president, Nicolás Maduro, and other high-ranking Venezuelan officials.

His daughter and other relatives initially detained alongside San Miguel were released with a ban on leaving the country and making statements to the media.

Numerous organizations have condemned the detention of the activist, have expressed their concern and have demanded that the Government of Venezuela respect their rights.

This is the case of the UN Independent International Mission for Venezuela, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and Amnesty International, among others.

Last Thursday, the Government of Venezuela announced the suspension of the activities of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Caracas.

With information from EFE

#Spanish #Foreign #Minister #asked #spokesperson #Chavista #regime #arrest #Rocío #San #Miguel



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