Haro on trees – For health reasons

2024-02-17 08:42:42

An elected official, concerned regarding the survival of his constituents, proposes to cut down all the trees along the roads in his department. According to some sources, collisions between vehicles and trees are responsible for 250 deaths per year. But the trees benefited from the law of self-defense, because the expertise which followed these tragedies always confirmed that the movement at the origin of the deadly collision came exclusively from the vehicle.

Other elected officials from overseas departments had proposed exterminating all sharks, because some of them had fatally bitten surfers. This extermination of the sharks would only have been fair, since unlike the trees, they were always the ones to bite first. Unfortunately, felling sharks is more difficult than felling trees for kinetic reasons that everyone can understand.

As in the fable, we must find a culprit for these misfortunes which regularly strike humans who ride or surf. The crowd of animals spared the lion who had eaten a shepherd and condemned the donkey who had only grazed a tongue of grass. We spare the sharks who flee the sentence, to sacrifice the trees which await it without moving.

Diderot said that “man is the unique term from which we must start and to which we must bring everything back”. Should we therefore consider that the elected official who proposes the extermination of the trees in his department is a humanist? I hesitate…

Without even checking, I think that an elected official who prefers motorists to trees is firstly right-wing before being a humanist. I will be told, without further verification, that a citizen who opposes such a decision is first of all left-wing before being an arborist.

When it comes to mortality, tree-killing politicians are no better epidemiologists than dealers in alcohol, tranquilizers and cannabis. My knowledge in this area advocates granting a reprieve to the trees pending a more rigorous investigation into the cause of road accidents.

Still in my capacity as an epidemiologist, I propose the eradication of mosquitoes which are undoubtedly responsible for millions of deaths each year. Alas, things are even more difficult than for sharks, because mosquitoes are even more naughty…

Protecting the trees where birds that eat mosquitoes nest might be a good start, although it will certainly be insufficient…

For the control of small misfortunes or big curses, it seems that ecologists and politicians have no better option than to shout “haro on the donkey”.


#Haro #trees #health #reasons



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