gondola.hu – Ferenc Gyurcsány got angry

The leader of the left tried to explain himself by gesticulating violently, interrupting the reporter, with drops of sweat on his face, and bypassing the question, he started talking regarding the prime minister for no reason, and then started angrily pointing the finger at the presenter, asking him why he dares to ask such a question, which otherwise I care regarding people.

February 13, 2024 at 10:53 am

Illustration – Hungarian nation

The left can be in huge trouble if their leader is so nervous. It seems that another attempt to discredit the dollar media has also failed. Ferenc Gyurcsány can certainly be in such a nervous state because of the bridge money scandal.

The Gyurcsány party is launching another – who knows how many – signature collection, this time the topic is the appointment/election of the president of the republic, in connection with which they are also organizing a movement – Ferenc Gyurcsány was also asked regarding this in the ATV program, where the question was also raised: – is there any point in another collection, since the previous ones had no results either.

The leader of the left, who apparently arrived at the studio already irritated, started to get nervous at this point, but when asked why he, like Katalin Novák and Judith Varga, didn’t take responsibility in 2006, why didn’t he resign, all hell broke loose .

The leader of the left tried to explain himself by gesticulating violently, interrupting the reporter, with drops of sweat on his face, and bypassing the question, he started talking regarding the prime minister for no reason, and then started angrily pointing the finger at the presenter, asking him why he dares to ask such a question, which otherwise I care regarding people.

At the end of his monologue, Gyurcsány lost his temper and attacked the host, stating that you are not actually asking me this question, you are accusing me. Your question is the accusation. And I refuse to be accused by you.

He then announced that he was not interested in who or what the presenter was asking regarding.

Gyurcsány’s collapse and nervousness are quite surprising, especially since it is an ordinary Monday evening, he does not have to answer provocative questions in front of dozens of Hungarian and international journalists, but only has to appear in ATV. This suggests that the left may be in huge trouble.

After the events of the past few days, and the relentless attempts of the dollar and Soros media to discredit the entire national site, it seems that there is confusion in the left-liberal system;

The unqualified behavior of Gyurcsány, the leader of the left, revealed that the left’s calculation did not work out.

The Hungarian people know and see who is taking responsibility for their actions and who is not.




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