Common sparrow? Sparrows are disappearing from our landscape

Research by Polish scientists has confirmed the sad observations of nature lovers. Over the last decades, the population of sparrows in Poland has decreased dramatically, as reported by Prof. Mizera in Zielona Interia.

Photo Voodison328/Shutterstock In cities, it is a very popular bird neighbor of humans, but its urban population is clearly decreasing. The most alarming data come from large cities. Sparrow population in Warsaw since the 1970s/1980s. 20th century to the first decade of the 21st century it decreased by 47-48%, in Hamburg by 75%, in London by 60%. Why? Scientists are still looking for a full explanation of this phenomenon. Professor Tadeusz Mizera from the University of Life Sciences in Poznań, one of the scientists studying sparrows, said that several factors influenced such a large decline in numbers. And most of them are directly or indirectly related to human activity.

As the ornithologist pointed out, one of the reasons for the extinction of birds is pollution caused by the large number of cars in cities. We have 600,000 cars in Poznań, including vehicles entering from outside every day. Air pollution causes the number to decrease, and the sparrow also feeds on grain, but it must feed its chicks with insects. It needs them to survive, said the ornithologist.

According to ornithologists, the decrease in the number of sparrows in cities may be due to the reduced availability of breeding places.

Sparrows like to build nests in crevices in buildings, behind gutters, in attics and flat roofs. As a result of renovation and insulation works, there are fewer and fewer such places. For this reason, in districts where older buildings dominate, we can see the sparrow more often.

The cutting down of some species of trees and shrubs in our gardens is also important. Careful garden maintenance combined with planting exotic species of trees and shrubs has a negative impact on the number of insects. Although sparrows can feed on grains most of the year, they need a large number of insects when feeding their young. However, these are apparently becoming scarce – the chicks found in many nests were starved and too weak to survive.

What does the future look like for sparrows?

“I don’t see anything wrong with it,” warns prof. Mizera. We will not quickly switch to electric cars, mowing lawns, or the “glass and metal” technology used in newly constructed buildings will not disappear. And cats living freely in cities. The reasons for the sparrow’s extinction will remain. Unfortunately, this is “civilization,” the professor concluded. (JSz)



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