What holiday is today, February 12, 2024

The national holiday on February 12 is known as Oleksiy Rybny, Meletei and Oleksiy, Three Saints, Basil’s Day.

What a holiday today is February 12 / UNIAN collage, photo ua.depositphotos.com

On February 12, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine honors Archbishop Meletius of Antioch, Bishop Meletius of Kharkiv and Metropolitan of All Kyivan Rus Oleksiy the Miracle Worker in a new style.

The national holiday on February 12 is known as Fish Day. It was customary to serve fish dishes for dinner, which should be eaten by all family members – for happiness. In some Ukrainian families, dumplings with fish were molded and cooked – “carps”. It is a good day for fishing.

In general, this national holiday was devoted to everyday things. The owners of the vegetable gardens repaired the inventory and prepared the carts for the sowing season. Men were engaged in repairs in the barn and barn, went to collect firewood, insulated the roof, while women cooked, pickled cabbage, and embroidered. On the holiday today, grain and seeds were taken outside to be hardened by the frost.

According to the old style, the holiday on February 12 is dedicated to three saints – Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian. In the Cathedral of the Three Saints, people wondered if they were raising their children correctly. They tried to spend the holiday together with their children, spoiled them and went to entertainment together.

February 12 – a sign of the Zodiac

A person born today according to the zodiac sign is Aquarius. Birthday people of this day are energetic, active and resourceful by nature. They are very responsible and have self-discipline. They have strong leadership qualities and inspire confidence in strangers. People born on February 12 love nature and animals.

February 12 is a holiday today / photo ua.depositphotos.com

What not to do on February 12

Unlucky day for business trips, work meetings, signing papers and contracts.

You can’t throw away leftover bread – it’s better to give it to animals and birds.

Do not go outside without a hat and gloves, do not neglect warm clothes and generally dress according to the weather – the risk of developing diseases increases significantly.

Do not try to deceive anyone on February 12 – the deception will definitely be revealed and spoil your reputation.

You can’t quarrel with loved ones, shout at them, remember old grievances – otherwise, by the end of the year, the relationship will deteriorate.

Weather signs on February 12

There are the following signs regarding the weather on this day:

  • The morning fog portends a rainy summer.
  • The colder the second half of February, the warmer March will be.
  • The higher the birds sit on the treetops, the earlier spring will come.
  • A strong wind rose – to a wet year.
  • The moon is reddish at night – to windy weather.
  • Many stars in the night sky – to a good harvest this year.

It is important to note that nowadays the climate has changed a lot, and not all ancient omens are relevant for us.

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