Diabetes Treatment: Protecting Heart and Kidney Health

2024-02-15 20:30:31

Diabetes treatment is not only regarding controlling blood sugar, but also regarding preventing heart and kidney comorbidities and protecting organs!

Mr. Li, who is in his 50s, has diabetes, but because he has no obvious symptoms, he does not take medicine properly and his blood sugar control is not ideal. Dr. Li Taojun, chairman of the Taiwan Grassroots Diabetes Association, pointed out that long-term excessive blood sugar can cause damage to the heart and kidneys, so following a cold, the patient’s condition deteriorates rapidly, with edema in the legs and breathing when walking.

After treatment and the condition stabilized, the patient finally realized the importance of controlling blood sugar. Dr. Li Taojun said that because he has proteinuria and poor heart and kidney functions, oral SGLT2i inhibitors are used to help control blood sugar. He hopes that while controlling blood sugar, it can also protect heart and kidney function.

If you want to control your blood sugar well, in addition to taking medicine on time, you must also manage your diet, exercise regularly, maintain good living habits, and continuously monitor your blood sugar. Teacher Xu Huijunwei, executive director of the Taiwan Grassroots Diabetes Association, said that because diabetes may cause acute or chronic complications, it is necessary to pay attention to various complications and undergo regular examinations to enable early detection and early treatment.

“Being in a state of high blood sugar for a long time is like soaking the heart, kidneys, eyes, blood vessels, and nerves in sugar water.” Dr. Li Taojun said, “There may be no obvious symptoms in the early stage, but following a few years, complications will appear. .”

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There are many comorbid heart and kidney problems, which seriously affect survival time

Diabetes has many comorbidities, including high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, kidney disease, etc. Dr. Li Taojun said that 6 out of 10 diabetic patients have high blood pressure. If blood sugar is not well controlled, the risk of heart failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, etc. will increase, affecting survival.

Kidney disease is considered one of Taiwan’s national diseases. The incidence and prevalence of dialysis are very high, ranking among the best in the world. About half of dialysis patients are caused by diabetes. Dr. Li Taojun said that according to statistics, 3 out of 10 diabetic patients have renal disease. The early stage of kidney disease is proteinuria. If it is not well controlled for a long time, the kidney function will gradually deteriorate and eventually dialysis will be required.

The relationship between the kidneys and the heart is very close. The kidney function of patients with heart failure is usually not very good. On the contrary, the heart function of patients with chronic kidney disease will also be affected.

To prevent cardiorenal comorbidities, one must understand the risk factors for cardiorenal comorbidities. Risk factors for cardiorenal comorbidities include hyperglycemia, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, family history, etc. Dr. Li Taojun said that it is best to control blood sugar, blood pressure, and blood lipids within normal ranges, and adjust living habits, such as quitting smoking, exercising regularly, eating healthily, working normally, and getting enough sleep, in order to improve the overall condition.

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Teacher Xu Huijun Wei said, “Through continuous health education propaganda, we hope that people with diabetes and their families can understand the complications related to diabetes, pay attention to them together, and start making adjustments and improvements.”

Pay attention to your blood sugar every day and get checked regularly

In terms of blood sugar, on the one hand, you must take medicine on time, manage your diet well, and maintain regular exercise. On the other hand, you need to undergo regular examinations, including blood tests for blood sugar, glycated hemoglobin, blood lipids, kidney function, etc., urine tests for proteinuria, and fundus examinations to evaluate the condition of the retina.

“When doctors take care of patients with diabetes, they will try to take full care of the whole person. They not only look at blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin, but also pay attention to blood pressure and blood lipids, and regularly arrange heart function, kidney function, and eye examinations.” Dr. Li Taojun said, “In advance, Only by detecting signs of chronic complications can early intervention be possible.”

“Screening for chronic comorbidities is an important task for every diabetic patient!” Teacher Xu Huijunwei reminded, “Even if blood sugar is well controlled, regular follow-up examinations are necessary.”

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Not only control sugar, but also protect organs

With the advancement of medicine, everyone’s understanding of diabetes is getting deeper and deeper, and the concept of sugar control continues to evolve. In addition to achieving blood sugar goals (blood sugar before meals: 80 to 130 mg/dL, blood sugar two hours following meals: less than 180 mg/dL, glycated hemoglobin HbA1c: less than 7%), we also hope to protect organs and reduce the chance of complications. .

Current diabetes drugs, such as SGLT2i inhibitors, can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease (including myocardial infarction, cardiovascular disease-related death, ischemic stroke, etc.), and can also protect the kidneys and delay the deterioration of kidney function. Reduce kidney-related adverse events (including hemodialysis/peritoneal dialysis, kidney-related death, etc.).

Dr. Li Taojun said that because studies have shown that SGLT2i inhibitors are significantly helpful for patients with cardiorenal comorbidities, if diabetic patients have risk factors for cardiorenal comorbidities, or have heart failure, renal function damage (including proteinuria, renal comorbidity, etc.) Decreased filtration rate of silk balls, etc.), most doctors prescribe drugs with organ protective functions.

Excellent institution for protecting kidneys and heart, a good care partner for people with diabetes

“Cardiorenal comorbidities are very important complications that must be actively prevented and treated!” Dr. Li Taojun emphasized, “Find the patients through regular follow-up and screening, and use appropriate drugs to help the patients. Diabetes drugs continue to improve, and sugar You should work closely with the medical team and don’t listen to folk remedies!”

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The Taiwan Grassroots Diabetes Association is committed to diabetes care and has continued to actively promote “Excellent institution for protecting kidney and heart” Certification.

Chairman Li Taojun said, “Treatment of diabetes is not just regarding monitoring blood sugar, but also requires prevention and screening for various complications. If people with diabetes have questions regarding various risks of comorbidities and chronic complications, they can go to the nearest medical center near their home. Excellent institutions for protecting the kidneys and protecting the heart accept risk index screening and let the professional medical team become your good partner in chronic disease care!”

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