Immobilized 45 tractors at the Plagiario junction 2024-02-16 07:33:49

About 45 tractors were at the scene at one in the followingnoon, according to the police.

The farmers of the area started earlier today from Epanomi Square, where, according to their representatives, around 100-120 tractors were gathered, with the aim of reaching the airport hub and carrying out a peaceful protest there in the form of a symbolic blockade. As they announced, the measures announced by the prime minister do not cover them, so that they can continue to cultivate the land and have a decent income.

In any case, they said, their goal is to avoid any inconvenience to the citizens due to their mobilizations, as they do not want to inconvenience anyone, but only to make their problems known.

The farmers they proceeded to occupy the building of the Region of Western Macedonia early in the morning and did not allow the workers to enter.

According to information from, it remains unknown how long the occupation will last, as everything will depend on the decisions made by the General Assemblies in the blocks.

Watch video of the farmers’ occupation:

Farmers: Today the decisions in the Nice block – The rally in Athens is possible

Farmers: Today, in a broad meeting that will take place at 12 noon in Nice, the representatives of farmers from all blocs of the country will decide whether to escalate their mobilizations.

Producers appear divided, as some propose de-escalation and others say they are unhappy with the measures announced by the prime minister to reduce production costs and are calling for a tractor descent to Athens. The government, however, declares that there are no more fiscal margins, noting that “we will not allow Greece to be divided in two”.

On the other hand, the farmers of the Parakarlian regions unanimously decided to withdraw from the blockade in Platykambos, requesting in an open letter a meeting with Kyriakos Mitsotakis in the coming days to discuss the problems faced by the producers of Thessaly.

Representatives from the block of Almyros Volos and Malgari express dissatisfaction, while Rizos Maroudas from the Platykampos block is in favor of escalating the mobilizations with a rally in the center of Athens. In fact, yesterday followingnoon the farmers of the area proceeded to a symbolic blockade of the Thessaloniki-Athens highway.

However, as competent sources report to “ET”, any “expansion” will take place in two phases. In the blocs, where the presence of the KKE is strong, a decision will probably be taken to descend on Athens and perhaps further stay in the blocs, while in the regions where the participation of its representatives is not so strong, it is estimated that there will be a de-escalation.

The first step of retreat, however, was made by the “Committee of 180,000 flooded paracarlian acres” that withdrew from the Platykampos block. In her statement she states that although in the pan-Hellenic gathering, which was held in Nice with the participation of blocs from all over Greece, their requests were recorded, but they did not receive the necessary attention.

#Immobilized #tractors #Plagiario #junction



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