“Artificial intelligence: progress at what price?” – White paper

2024-02-15 10:45:00

Until recently the prerogative of experts, AI entered everyone’s lives with the launch of ChatGPT in November 2022. Since then, many companies have launched into the sector for fear of being left behind. But this race for innovations injects new technologies into our lives which have not necessarily been sufficiently thought through and whose impacts – social, societal, ecological, geopolitical – raise questions.

This file highlights the dysfunctions caused by AI and the numerous ethical problems that its constant and sometimes ill-reasoned use raises. Our interlocutors also propose possible solutions for a more responsible AI, with good practices in business or training, and with a greater presence of civil society, to consent or not to all these upheavals in our daily lives.

First of all, we meet Mathilde Saliou, author of Technofeminism: How digital technology worsens inequalities. Amazon’s recruitment algorithm which favors men’s CVs; the virtual assistant Siri who indicates where to find Viagra but not abortion centers; black men wrongly accused by American police facial recognition algorithms… All these examples are the consequences of algorithmic bias. Often considered neutral and impartial, algorithms in reality reproduce the inequalities of our society, or even worsen them. The author invites in-depth reflection on our way of creating algorithms.

Then, Félix Tréguer warns of the risks of AI for our democracy. Associate researcher at the CNRS Internet and Society Center and founding member of La Quadrature du Net, he monitors the sector with the association to defend fundamental freedoms in the digital environment. But in recent years, surveillance has increased thanks to new technologies, which worries him greatly.

On the business side, everyone wants to ride the AI ​​wave without taking the time to have a reasoned approach and understand the impacts of such technology. Amélie Cordier, expert in artificial intelligence, supports companies to make them aware of the issues and implement AI effectively, without falling into haste and fashion.

But given all the negative impacts of AI, can we really design more ethical algorithms? Giada Pistilli is a philosophy researcher and is writing a thesis on ethics in conversational AI. Since May 2022, she has also been responsible for ethics at Hugging Face, an open source platform for artificial intelligence tools. For Engineering Techniques, it offers avenues for reflection and invites a more responsible use of AI.

Finally, creating a more ethical, mixed digital environment with innovations adapted to everyone also requires training. The Simplon.co school is committed to more inclusive digital training. Meeting with Mathieu Giannecchini, deputy director of the school.

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