Pollen Allergies: Understanding Poplar Pollen and Cross Allergies

2024-02-15 16:30:00

Along with hazel and birch, poplar pollen is one of the most common allergy triggers. They are easily confused with the cotton-like poplar wool. You can find out exactly what the difference is and what you can do if you have a poplar allergy here.

Poplars: Fluffy willow plants

Poplars belong to the willow family and can be found in forests or on river banks. Allergy sufferers should equip themselves with nasal spray, tissues and tablets, especially in the months of March to April. During this time the poplar pollen whirls through the air. In Easter month Pollen counts are at their highest in April. In the last 20 years, the number of pollen allergy sufferers has increased significantly. In Germany, around 15 percent of adults are affected. The stubborn willow plant is one of the relatively common allergy triggers.

If you are allergic to poplar pollen, you may also develop a cross-allergy to pollen from other related trees. It often happens Cross-reactions with willow pollen. Since the flowering period of poplars and willows largely overlaps, this usually only leads to a slight prolongation of symptoms.

At a Kreuz allergy The body’s immune system triggers a reaction due to sensitization to a particular allergen, such as pollen or food allergic reaction to a structurally similar allergen out of. An example of this is that people who are allergic to birch pollen may also react to certain foods that contain structurally similar proteins, such as apples, hazelnuts or carrots. The symptoms of a cross allergy can be the same as the original allergy and include, for example, itching, rash, runny nose, sneezing or red and itchy eyes.

Poplar pollen or poplar wool: what’s the difference?

When small puffs fly through the air, it is often mistakenly assumed that they are poplar pollen. But the cotton-like balls that cover the lawn like white snow in summer are those Seed threads of poplar fruitswhich from the Aspen, also called aspen or aspen. For laypeople, the two different types are difficult to tell apart. In contrast to poplar pollen, they dissolve Poplar seed or poplar wool does not cause allergies and is harmless. Poplar seeds also usually fly in May and June and not in March and April, like the allergenic poplar pollen.

Does the poplar wool still give you itchy eyes and a scratchy throat? That doesn’t mean you’re allergic to it. In this case it is a pure mechanical irritation the eyes and respiratory tract. The fine fibers irritate the sensitive mucous membranes, causing itching and burning.

Poplar pollen: This helps with allergies

If you want to know when you can slowly breathe deeply once more and no pollen will spoil your good mood, then get one Pollen count app and one Pollen calendar for your region. Although these make your everyday life easier, they do not protect you from allergic reactions. It is best to contact an allergist to treat your hay fever. The healthcare professional prescribes in most cases Antihistamines in the form of tablets, nasal spray or eye drops.

People with severe allergic symptoms can also have one Hyposensitization contemplate. This immunotherapy can help treat allergies successfully. The allergen is administered by medical professionals in the form of Squirt administered over a longer period of time, initially weekly and later monthly. Hypersensitization is also present drops or Tablets possible. The goal is to gradually accustom the immune system to the allergen until the allergic reaction subsides.

In the video: The best remedies for hay fever

Further helpful tips regarding allergies, pollen etc.

Animals can also have allergies. We explain on this page which breeds are particularly affected Hay fever in dogs. Also interesting: House dust allergy – this is how you can tell whether you are also affected


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