Menstrual Health and Dementia: The Link Between Long Periods and Brain Protection

2024-02-15 19:17:47

PainPain, fatigue, acneacne… For some women, having your period is anything but a pleasure. However, they have to deal with their menstruation for an average of 37 years of their life. However, a study might console them (a little): the longer the period of life during which a woman has her period, the better she is protected from dementia!

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To reach this conclusion, the authors of the study published in the journal The American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry studied data from more than 200,000 women.

Late menopause protects your brain

Their results show that women who had menstruated longer (and therefore had more exposure to estrogen) had a 28% reduced risk of dementia compared to those with shorter exposure. Women who experienced menopause beyond the age of 50 also had a reduced risk of dementia (24% reduction compared to others).

On the other hand, women who had their periods at an advanced age (following 15 years) have a 12% increased risk of developing dementia, while that of women who have undergone reproductive surgery is increased by 8%.

This suggests that female hormonesmay have a protective role in the development of dementia in women. A link currently poorly understood, but which might be explained by the increased production of gray matter during prolonged exposure to estrogens.

#Late #menopause #protects #dementia



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