Teatro Colón 2024 Season Announced: A Comprehensive Program of Opera, Ballet, and Orchestral Concerts

2024-02-15 17:05:00

Jorge Telermandirector of the Teatro Colón, accompanied by the Buenos Aires Minister of Culture Gabriela Ricardesfinally announced the 2024 season, an austere programming, which basically consists of seven lyrical titles (four revivals and three premieres), five ballets y twenty concerts of the subscription cycle of the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra, more five concerts by the Stable Orchestra of the Teatro Colónwith few bright names.

Ricardes highlighted the place of culture in critical times and commented on the ministry’s content mainstreaming program, through which the Stable Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ballet will perform in the Parque Centenario amphitheater, and the Teatro Colón will host the tango and Jazz festivals. The Philharmonic Orchestra will play works by Stravinsky, as a pre-season, in Parque Centenario next Saturday.

Jorge Telerman, director of the Teatro Colón, accompanied by the Buenos Aires Minister of Culture Gabriela Ricardes. press photo

The season will open on March 12 with the ballet Carmina Burana in version and direction by Mauricio Wainrot. The direction of the four remaining titles that make up the programming will be in charge of Mario Galizzidirector of the Stable Ballet of the Teatro Colón.

In June Marianela Nuñez, principal dancer of the Royal Ballet of London, will star The sleeping beauty of the forest. At the end of August it will be presented Mixed program, composed of Suite en Blanc, Adagietto and Bolero. The romantic ballet Giselle completes the programming that will conclude with The Bayadere.


Clarín visited the Teatro Colón to tour the most hidden spaces of the historic building. He watches the video.

The lyrical season will begin with Ariadna on Naxos, 12th April. Strauss’s opera will have six performances, conducted by Günter Neuhold and régie by Marcelo Lombardero, and brings together local and foreign performers led by Carla Filipcic Holm, Sergio Escobar, Ekaterina Lekina.

TurandotPuccini’s masterpiece, will go up on May 17 (nine performances) with the historic staging of Roberto Oswald and the alternating musical direction between Carlos Vieu and Beatrice Venezi. Austrian soprano Martina Serafin will front the cast alongside Marcelo Puente, Jaqulina Livieri and Lucas Debeven Mayer.

The consulby Gian Carlo Menotti, will also have its revival in the stage version of Ruben Szuchmacher with the musical direction of Marcelo Ayub (August). Except for the lead role, which this time will be played by the Argentine baritone Sebastián Angulegui, the rest of the cast is practically the same as the 2022 premiere, with Carla Filipcic Holm, Adriana Maestrángelo and Virginia Correa Dupuy, in the main roles.

The news and the most resonant

Carmina Burana, in the version and direction of Mauricio Wainrot, will open the 2024 Colón season. Photo Sigrid Colomyes

Carmen of Georges Bizet, with the stage direction of Calixo Bieito, is the most resonant of the lyrical season. Is regarding a co-production between the Teatro La Fenice in Venice, the Teatro Massimo in Palermo, the Gran Teatre del Liceu in Barcelona, ​​and the Teatro Regio in Turin. It will go up on July 12 (eight performances) with the musical direction of Kakhi Solomnishvili, and the Argentine mezzo-soprano Francesa di Sauro together with Gustavo López Manzitti in the main roles.

Orpheus in hell It is the second of three new productions. Jacques Offenbach’s operetta will feature a scene by the ingenious Pablo Maritano and musical direction by Christian Baldini, with the participation of a talented local cast (November).

The third novelty –perhaps the most unique thing of the season– is the new production of Auroraby Héctor Panizza, with the stage direction by Betty Gambartes (September and October). After 25 years she returns to the stage of the Teatro Colón, Daniela Tabernig will star along with Fermín Prieto, Hernán Iturralde and Alejandor Spies.

Marianela Núñez, the famous Argentine dancer, will perform “Sleeping Beauty.” Photo: Teatro Colón Press

A masked ball, by Giuseppe Verdi, will close the season between November and December, with a scene by Rita Cosentino and scenery by Enrique Bordolini. The main male role is not confirmed yet, Alessandra di Giorgio, Fabián Veloz, Oriana Favaro and Guadalupe Barrientos will act.

May we not lack Martha

The Martha Argerich Festival will return in August with Charles Dutoit, Annie Dutoit-Argerich, among other guests (programs not confirmed). And of course, the famous hostess and pianist Martha Argerich.

Martha Argerich will once once more grace the Colón stage. Photo: Arnaldo Colombaroli/Teatro Colón

Enter here international visits, the Chinese pianist Yuja Wang and the soprano Hera Hyesang Park stand out. Both will be presented in the Extraordinary Concerts cycle, which will also feature the presence of the Camerata Antiqua of Curitiba under the baton of Ricardo Kangi, the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia under the direction of Yeruham Scharovsky, and the conductors Sylvain Gasançony and Isaac Karabtchevsky, the first by the Stable Orchestra of the Teatro Colón and the second by the Petrobras Symphony.

The two Colón orchestras will also each have their season (20 concerts for the Philharmonic, and 5 for the Stable) to which guest directors and performers are added.

The Academic Orchestra of the Teatro Colón will also have its subscription for six concerts and will work with directors specialized in different repertoires.

“Turandot”, a masterful production that will be seen at the Colón.

They stand out Concerto for piano, string orchestra and timpaniby Galina Ustvolskaya (April 13) and the Concerto for two harpsichords in C minor de Bach, in tribute to Mario Videla who died last year (July 19). And in the semi-staged version it will premiere The voice that never shuts upchamber opera in one act, by Marcelo Delgado and libretto by Ignacio Apolo (November 9).

An expected replacement

The Contemporary Cycle replenishes the acclaimed Einstein on the Beachin a version by Martín Bauer and Rodrigo de Caso of the opera by Robert Wilson y Philip Glassreleased last year.

“Einstein on the Beach”, the opera by Philip Glass and Robert Wilson, will return to the Colón in 2024. Photo Teatro Colón PressMaximo Parpagnoli/Arnaldo Colombaroli

In the same cycle the concert will premiere Harmony theoryby John Adams and Thomas Adès, with the Buenos Aires Philharmonic Orchestra under the musical direction of Pablo Druker, who will also conduct the ArtHaus Ensemble in its debut on the Colón stage, with works by Unsuk Chin, György Ligeti, Conlon Nancarrow and Pablo Rubino.

For celebrate 150 years since the birth of Arnold Schöenberg the oratory was scheduled Gurrelieder for large orchestra, multiple choirs, vocal soloists and narrator with musical direction by Alejo Pérez by the Orquesta Estable.

The Experimentation Center has begun to regain vitality. It has a variety of titles that include dance, opera, cinema and some tributes to groups of performers from the contemporary music scene.

The opera Cashier(x) with aesthetics by the Uruguayan playwright Sergio Blanco and music by the composer Pablo Ortiz, it is a joint commission between the Teatro Colón and the Alternative Stage of the National Opera of Greece and will have its premiere on August 23.

Axel Krygier will present At Grandma’s Bzloch Ensayos para a musical biodramafor chamber ensemble plus piano and sampler, the participation of three actors/dancers/singers and a setting that includes original family objects (October).

“El Cónsul”, another of the great operas that will be seen in the 2024 season of the Teatro Colón.

With original texts and music by Billy Cowie, Luciana Croatto will dance Extreme Solosa set of works by Scottish choreographer Billy Cowie (September).

Mirlitons, by François Chaignaud and Aymeric Hainaux, integrates the dance and music program (May).

Music and cinema

The encounter between cinema and live music will begin with the film The great parade by King Vidor (1925) and the sound by the composer, pianist and performer Carmen Baliero (April).

White Vampof Alfredo Ariaswill be seen on June 22.

The But, ritual of sound and silence, by Alex Nante, complete the program (May).

The Center will celebrate the 15 years of the Contemporary Music Ensemble of the Department of Musical and Sound Arts of the National University of the Arts (EMC Damus) with a program of short works by more than twenty Argentine composers (March), and the 20 years of uninterrupted work of the Compañía Oblicua ensemble under the direction of its creator, the composer Marcelo Delgado with two programs with works by Juan Carlos Tolosa, Agustina Crespo and Jorge Chikiar, among others (September).

The CETC will also present Materials under construction, universes to exploit by the Dance Company of the National University of the Arts (November) and Kentaa contemporary music program by participants of the Children and Youth Orchestras Program of the City of Buenos Aires, which will close the program in December.

El Colón para Chicos will be present once more in the 2024 season of the Theater.

Music and Cinema with the choice of Italian cinema and the musical direction of Nicola Piovanni is one of the novelties of the season. Also a series of recitals in the Golden Hall called Liederabend, choral concertsfor Piano, String Quartet, and a selection by Musicians from the Stable Orchestra of the Teatro Colón.

Columbus for boys continues adding proposals for the winter holidays with Colin y Colette, Dance world y Grinding Moliere.

#austere #premieres #return #Martha #Argerich



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