Judge Julio Olivo assured this Thursday in the Encuentro interview with Julio Villagrán, that if there was an indication of fraud in the presidential and legislative elections held on February 4, he would denounce it but denied that this had happened, On the contrary, he indicated that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal is working to provide the final results.
“If with all the evidence we have I were to conclude that fraud had been done to change a result, I would say so and perhaps I would have to leave the country and send a statement there.”assured the magistrate.
Given this, he also clarified that the only entity qualified to give the final results of an election is the Court, and this can be made known to the population at the time the final scrutiny is concluded, which is why he highlighted that The data is not yet firm.
Given the failure of the system, Olivo pointed out that 70% of the presidential minutes might have been transmitted contrary to the legislative ones, and that in this specific situation it is the responsibility of the Vote Receiving Boards (JRV) since the Court does not have control over these since they are electoral authorities in the territory and are independent.
“The system did work and I can attest and so can the audit company, if the system stops it is because the minutes stop being transmitted in the JRVs.â€he expressed.
Regarding the advance disclosure of electoral results on election day by the CIP Gallup polling firm and the statements of President Nayib Bukele, the magistrate indicated that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal at no time authorized any company to provide data and that the magistrates themselves They don’t know the topic.
“The collegiate body has never authorized it and no magistrate knows regarding it, so anything it says, any company or whatever, is not authorized… we would have to see, I don’t know, open a disciplinary file, and see if any provision of the Electoral Code was violated.”.
Finally, he pointed out that the official results are those that will be given following the final scrutiny, and that the data provided before these are not reliable.
“The data is from the final scrutiny… I wouldn’t want to get into the subject, especially because of my own situation, to be talking regarding officials or anything like that.”aggregate.
#âœIf #evidence #conclude #fraud #change #result #so.â #Julio #Olivo