The Controversy Surrounding King Charles III’s Cancer Treatment: The Truth About Homeopathy

2024-02-14 00:17:02

Recently, news became public that King Charles III had been diagnosed with cancer. Although it was not specified what type of cancer the monarch has, it was announced that the primary doctor in charge of treating him would be Michael Dixon, a defender of hemeopathy, an alternative practice not endorsed by the World Health Organization.

Although King Charles has just returned to London to continue his treatment in a clinic, his choice of doctor has generated many doubts among the public, as this practice is not accepted by multiple health professionals and organizations. For greater familiarization with the topic, at Bienestar El Comercio, we spoke with two specialists, who explained to us what this practice consists of, why people usually opt for it and the reasons why it does not have the support of the scientific community. .

Michael Dixon, a controversial doctor for being a defender of haemopathy, was appointed head of the Royal Family’s medical team.

“Hemeopathy was developed by Samuel Hahnemann almost 200 years ago, in Germany. It is based on the principle of similarity, that is, ‘like cures like’. To a large extent, this method is inconsistent with current scientific concepts and lacks evidence, in addition to contradicting medical and physical principles. However, in many Western countries, the popularity of this treatment causes some to consider it a safe method,” stated Dr. Manuel Arias, specialist in Internal Medicine at SANNA Clínica San Borja.

Along these lines, Dr. Juan Manuel Jiménez León, internist at the Emergency Service of the Ricardo Palma Clinic, stated that, due to the lack of certainty around this method, its concept has been changing its definition over the years. years. “Previously, the Royal Academy of the Spanish Language (RAE) defined it as a curative system that was based on applying minimum doses of medications that – in higher doses – might cure the disease,” he stated.

Subsequently, due to the advancement of science and with the demonstration that its curative effects are not confirmed, the Academy changed its meaning in 2019. “It is no longer considered as a healing system, but as a practice,” added the expert.

Always remember to see your doctor before opting for methods not endorsed by the medical community.

Practice without medical approval

“There is no scientific proof that validates this practice, so it cannot be considered a scientific method. Despite this, there are some professionals who believe in hemeopathy and apply it, but without the approval of a consensus or clinical practice guide,” highlighted Dr. Jiménez.

“A systematic review reported that up to 9.2% of adults in mainly Western countries have relied on homeopathic remedies during the past 12 months. According to a market research report, the global market for homeopathic products reached $5.5 billion in 2018, with the majority of sales in the North, the United States and Europe,” Dr. Arias specified.

“The National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia concluded that, based on an evaluation of 57 systematic reviews on 68 conditions, ‘there are no health conditions’ for which there is reliable evidence that homeopathy is effective. After that, multiple institutions in the European Union and the United Kingdom have issued similar statements that support this position,” stressed the expert from SANNA Clínica San Borja.

Jiménez León explains that despite not being a scientifically supported method, people often modify it in their favor to apply it to chronic ailments or illnesses, such as gastritis or arthritis. “In medical practice, we have come to the sad surprise that the doctor is the last opinion that the patient seeks,” he added.

The specialist indicated that this is because the patient is usually guided by the opinion of friends, Internet forums or publications by opinionologists without a scientific basis, which can lead to self-medication or alternative treatments to traditional medicine.

Homeopathy is not supported by science.

Why do people turn to homeopathy?

In the words of Manuel Arias, people usually go to these treatments because, in some way, they reject the medically accepted therapies that are proposed to them because, in certain cases, it is difficult for them to accept their illness. Whatever the reason, opting for this practice can significantly worsen the patient’s situation.

“Receiving homeopathic medicine for cancer is following a treatment not validated by medical treatment guidelines and without scientific support,” he said.

Therefore, the main recommendation of Dr. Juan Jiménez is that, in the event of any ailment, the first thing to do is seek medical attention. “Do not self-medicate, do not take doses recommended by the pharmacy or pharmacy,” he stressed.

Likewise, he stated that not always what is good for a friend or family member will also have positive effects on you. “Not all ailments or organisms are the same, so it is necessary that they be treated by doctors to achieve a correct evaluation,” she concluded.

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