Chilean Fires: Máximo Menem Bolocco’s Message for Help and Personal Journey

2024-02-13 22:15:00

Chileans are going through a difficult time due to a large number of fires that were devastating. This tragedy in the neighboring country left more than one hundred victims, destruction of homes and great losses. In the midst of this context, Máximo Menem Bolocco, the son of Cecilia Bolocco and Carlos Menem, used his social networks to ask for collaborations.

From his official Instagram account, the young man expressed solidarity with a woman who lost two family homes and is working to rebuild them. ”Good followingnoon dear friends. Now comes the toughest part and that is rebuilding, we need help with construction materials to be able to start getting back on our feet. Since people are sleeping in tents, taking care of their land so that it is not taken. As many of you already know, my family lost everything. My mother, my 90-year-old grandmother, two different houses, all help is welcome,” wrote a victim from her Instagram account @__shlo

In addition, they claim that the fire was intentionally set. “The issue of intentionality is manifest (…) we would have to be very naive to think that the fire had spontaneous characteristics,” said the governor of Valparaíso, Rodrigo Mundaca, following one of the deadliest accidents in recent years. decades in Chile, which caused the death of 131 people. “The intentionality today is completely confirmed, in fact, there is a dedicated prosecutor (in the investigation) (…) it will have to be the Justice that resolves the individual and collective responsibilities, but no one believes that this is a group of arsonists who are burning our territory and our communities with free will,” the authority added.

The present of Máximo Bolocco Menem

Last year, the young man debuted as a model for a renowned sports clothing brand and shared his experience on his social networks. In this way, she decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother, who has also worked in the world of fashion and was even crowned Miss Universe in 1987. In 2018, Máximo had a serious health problem when a brain tumor was removed in an operation. which took place in a private medical center in Santiago de Chile. Beyond the severity of the condition, he was able to recover and continue his life. On that occasion, his father, Carlos Menem, went to the sanatorium to accompany him.

Since the former president divorced the host in 2007, Máximo did not maintain fluid contact with Menem, who died on February 14, 2021, at the age of 90. This was revealed by the young man in an interview he gave in 2022 when he was 18 years old. “I might never be alone with him. He didn’t talk much either, he was old. I don’t have many memories of him, because I didn’t know him much either. “I also had to go through Zulemita to get to talk to him,” he told the Chilean magazine Velvet. He also remembered some details of his father’s visit at the time he was hospitalized: “I remember waking up and seeing him sitting there. “I remember the image, but I didn’t measure anything else.”

Regarding a trip he made to Argentina to visit him, Máximo recalled: “I was never able to be alone with him. He didn’t talk much either, he was old.” And regarding the last time he saw him, he said: “It was the only time I might be alone with him. I remember holding his hand and talking to him for an hour non-stop. And I know that he was listening to me, because in certain parts the monitor was altered.” Finally, he added: “I didn’t know him much, but they say I inherited how charming they say I am. I would like to find out what my dad was like and why he was as charming as they say he was.”

#fires #Chile #Máximo #Menem #Bolocco #asked #family



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