They support the promotion of industrialized housing construction in Ñuble with $876 million – La Discusión 2024-02-13 14:03:21

This week the governance of Industrialized Housing Construction of the Ñuble Region met, an official table made up of public, private and academic institutions, which seeks to enhance and strengthen, through collaborative work, the companies that are part of the chain value of the home construction industry with modern methods.

At the meeting, in which the Regional Government, the Seremi de Economía, Serviu, Forestal Leonera, Arauco, Corma, the Chilean Chamber of Construction of Ñuble, the University of Bío-Bío, Inacap and the Catholic University of the Santísima Concepción, the regional director of Corfo, Macarena Dávila, announced the budget committed by Corfo to date – which reaches 876 million pesos – to work around gaps in human capital, technological transfer, innovation, investment and articulation .

“The starting point of this initiative in which Corfo Ñuble works in coordination with the Regional Government, is to install capabilities in the sector and form human capital, in such a way that companies in this sector are prepared to incorporate innovation in their production processes. , in line with industrialized housing construction. Corfo is providing concrete support to promote innovation in this sector, something unprecedented at the regional level, and move towards the creation of an industry that contributes to solving the housing problem in Ñuble, with a sustainable approach,” explained the regional director of Corfo. , Macarena Dávila.

The regional governor of Ñuble, Óscar Crisóstomo, commented that two years ago the challenge of promoting industrialized housing construction in the territory was posed. “On the one hand, we did it with the objective of working in line with the central government to reduce the housing deficit in Chile, and on the other, because we also visualized an opportunity for growth of this industry in the region and an impact on job creation. . Without a doubt, Ñuble is making strategic bets in this area and we hope that they will be strengthened through the programs that are being financed through Corfo,” he explained.

More skills and strengthening of the ecosystem

During the meeting, Natalia Reyes, from the Technological Center for Innovation in Construction CTEC, participated, who presented Construye Ñuble 4.0, an innovation program that they execute with the support of the Chilean Chamber of Construction of Ñuble and the University of Bío-Bío, with which will work on topics such as industrialization, digitalization and sustainability, through a training program aimed at SMEs and professionals in the region.

Also speaking was Alexander Opazo, from the University of Bío-Bío, director of the Viraliza Eventos project, which will address the Industrialized Construction of Housing during a seminar to be held on April 3 and 4 in Chillán, which seeks to publicize national and international and generate spaces for meeting and conversation between companies that make up the Industrialized Construction value chain.

Added to these resources are those from the Activa Chile Apoya Ñuble Region program, with a focus on Industrialized Housing Construction, executed in 2023; and the Integrated Territorial Program whose execution begins in 2024.

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