Ivan Takov “bet his head” just for the Metropolitan Municipal Council to function 2024-02-11 18:53:27


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The chairman of the metropolitan socialists, Ivan Takov, stated that the city organization of the BSP is united and he enjoys its trust. According to him, the request from the capital structures of the BSP for the resignation of the municipal councilors who voted for Tsvetomir Petrov as chairman of the Metropolitan Municipal Council (SOC) is an attempt to pressure individual organizations to come out with positions for his resignation. Now Takov said, quoted by BTA, that he “bet his head” to make the SOS work.

“Until now, this has only happened in the regional organization of Comrade Ninova, from then on there are no other positions, individual socialists write them and try to make an elephant out of a fly,” comments Takov.

Yesterday, the capital structures of the BSP demanded punishment for the municipal councilors, following the leadership of the party yesterday removed its trust from them and declared that “they no longer represent the BSP, but only themselves”. Initially, the punishment was expected to be only for Takov and his deputy Ivan Peshev, but it was also decided for the others in the group (Vanya Grigorova did not vote for Petrov and is not a member of the party). All of them had a party mandate to vote for their candidate – Diana Tonova, and she was not even nominated for the post of chairman.

“For me, this is not of such importance, I enjoy the trust of the city organization, the city council, the group of councilors in the Metropolitan Municipal Council, as well as the local coalition “BSP for Bulgaria”, commented Takov now.

BSP reprimands its municipal councilors for electing Tsvetomir Petrov, but not for the joint vote with GERB

According to him, the whole point of the election of a temporary chairman was to make the council work, to form the commissions and, following three months of no time, to start happening the important things for the people and for the whole city.

If the price of getting the City Council up and running and good things starting to happen for the city is “my head”, I’ll gladly pay it once more

Ivan Takov,

chairman of the metropolitan socialists

“Decisions in the SOS will be made very difficult, it was seen that the largest group in the municipal council is absolutely helpless to gather a majority, and that is why we had to drink this bitterness that happened in the last days”, added the chairman of the city organization of BSP.

He also commented that he is not worried regarding being expelled from the party, but if it happens, he is not thinking regarding his own political project.

“Neither the party leadership nor Cornelia Ninova can tear socialism from my heart,” he said.

Boris Bonev spoke regarding a new financial and economic coalition in the Metropolitan Municipal Council

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